Postsecularism is a theoretical concept whose central idea is that Western Secularism
may have come to an end.
Secularism is the principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries...
may have come to an end.
- During, Simon. "Toward the Postsecular". PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America: 120.3 (2005 May), pp. 876–77.
- McClure, John A.. Partial Faiths: Postsecular Fiction in the Age of Pynchon and Morrison. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2007. xi, 209 pp.
- Bracke, Sarah. "Conjugating the Modern- Religious, Conceptualizing Female Religious Agency: Contours of a 'Post-secular' Conjuncture". Theory, culture & society. 25 (2008), p. 51-68.
- Braidotti, Rosi. "In Spite of the Times: The Postsecular Turn in Feminism" Theory, culture & society. 25 (2008), p. 1-24.
- Habermas, Jürgen. "Secularism's Crisis of Faith: Notes on Post-Secular Society". New perspectives quarterly. vol. 25 (2008) p. 17-29.
- Jusova, Iveta. "European Immigration and Continental Feminism: Theories of Rosi Braidotti." Feminist Theory12:1 (Spring 2011).
- Morozov, Aleksandr. "Has the Postsecular Age Begun?". Religion, state & society. 36 (2008) p. 39-44.
- Roberts, Michael Symmons. "Poetry In A Post-Secular Age". Poetry review. vol. 98 (London, 2008), p. 69-75
- Vries, Hent de ; Sullivan, Lawrence E. ; Ward, Ian. "Political Theologies: Public Religions in a Post-Secular World". Journal of church and state 17.50 (2008) p. 150-151
- Ferrara, Alessandro. "The separation of religion and politics in a post-secular society". Philosophy & social criticism. vol. 35. (2009),p. 77-92.
- John R. Betz. After Enlightenment : the post-secular vision of J.G. Hamann (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Pub, 2009).