Post combustion capture
Post-combustion capture refers to the removal of CO2 from power station flue gas
Flue gas
Flue gas is the gas exiting to the atmosphere via a flue, which is a pipe or channel for conveying exhaust gases from a fireplace, oven, furnace, boiler or steam generator. Quite often, the flue gas refers to the combustion exhaust gas produced at power plants...

 prior to its compression, transportation and storage in suitable geological formations, as part of carbon capture and storage
Carbon capture and storage
Carbon capture and storage , alternatively referred to as carbon capture and sequestration, is a technology to prevent large quantities of from being released into the atmosphere from the use of fossil fuel in power generation and other industries. It is often regarded as a means of mitigating...

. A number of different techniques are applicable, almost all of which are adaptations of acid gas removal processes used in the chemical and petrochemical
Petrochemicals are chemical products derived from petroleum. Some chemical compounds made from petroleum are also obtained from other fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, or renewable sources such as corn or sugar cane....

industries. Many of these techniques existed before World War II and, consequently, post combustion capture is the most developed of the various carbon-capture methodologies.
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