Port Whines
Port Whines is an animated short film by the Columbia Pictures Corporation. It is also the 136th Krazy Kat cartoon.


The story starts with a galleon
A galleon was a large, multi-decked sailing ship used primarily by European states from the 16th to 18th centuries. Whether used for war or commerce, they were generally armed with the demi-culverin type of cannon.-Etymology:...

 sailing across the ocean. On it, Krazy is a seaman
Seaman is one of the lowest ranks in a Navy. In the Commonwealth it is the lowest rank in the Navy, followed by Able Seaman and Leading Seaman, and followed by the Petty Officer ranks....

 whose routines include mopping the main deck. After cleaning, he goes for a stroll around the vessel. As he continous moving, Krazy accidentally thuds on the captain who is quite irritable.

The captain starts chasing Krazy, only to slip on a soap bar and get airborne. Very quickly, the other seamen came in and cushioned his fall. Remembering how unpleasantly ill-tempered their leader is, however, the seamen hurled the captain off the ship's side where he plunges into the water. Following that, they and Krazy began to celebrate the deed with some music and dancing.

In a kitchen levelled with the main deck, an Oriental chef was trying to fry fish on skillets but notices the place was short in supply. The chef came outside and orders Krazy to do some fishing. Krazy takes a pole and casts a line. Moments later, something was caught, and Krazy starts to reel in. It turns out what was pulled in was the captain. Not very happy with the result, the chef throws a punch at Krazy but the cat ducked, and instead the captain was the one strucked. The captain then hits back in a similar fashion. For the rest of the film, the captain and the chef punched each other repeatedly and Krazy was enjoying the sight.

External links

  • Port Whines at the Big Cartoon Database
    Big Cartoon DataBase
    The Big Cartoon DataBase is an online database of information about animated cartoons, animated feature films, animated television shows and cartoon shorts....

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