Polygamy in Swaziland
The legal status of polygamy
Polygamy is a marriage which includes more than two partners...

in Swaziland
Swaziland, officially the Kingdom of Swaziland , and sometimes called Ngwane or Swatini, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa, bordered to the north, south and west by South Africa, and to the east by Mozambique...

is currently hard to determine, as many have questioned whether the legal code
Legal code
A legal code is a body of law written by a governmental body, such as a U.S. state, a Canadian Province or German Bundesland or a municipality...

 allows for polygamous unions or only allows such unions to exist, but not be legally recognized as marriages in the eyes of the Swazi government. Most, however, interpret that the code prohibits legal recognition of such unions, yet there are no laws against a man living with more than one woman.
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