Polls before the Kenyan elections 2007
Opinion polls played an important role in the runup to the Kenya
Kenya , officially known as the Republic of Kenya, is a country in East Africa that lies on the equator, with the Indian Ocean to its south-east...

n elections of December 2007
Kenyan general election, 2007
Kenyan general election, 2007 was held on 27 December 2007 . It comprised Presidential, parliamentary and civic elections. The previous general election in Kenya was held in 2002.-See also:*Kenyan presidential election, 2007...

. A number of institutes published results on the presidential candidates. Nation Media
Daily Nation
The Daily Nation is a Kenyan independent newspaper. It is the most influential newspaper in Kenya with a daily circulation of about 205,000 copies. The total readership is likely to be higher as each copy is read by a large number of people...

 employed the Kenyan Steadman market information company to conduct regular polls, which thus received the widest attention.

Polls are a new instrument on the Kenyan political scene. Recent elections had seen some results published which met, however, with widespread skepticism.

The publication of polls in 2007 generated large interest and controversy as they were alternatively welcomed or condemned by parties and observers on the national scene and frequently criticized as having been manipulated by one or the other side.

Do you understand, gentlemen, that all the horror is in just this—that there is no horror!

Aleksandr Kuprin|Aleksandr Kuprin, The Pit, translation by Bernard G. Guerney.

I can enjoy her while she's kind;But when she dances in the wind,And shakes the wings and will not stay,I puff the prostitute away: The little or the much she gave is quietly resign'd: Content with poverty, my soul I arm; And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warm.

John Dryden, Imitation of Horace (1685), "On Fortune", Book III, Ode 29, l. 81 - 87.

[in Kenya]...any woman who is single and has multiple male sex partners is considered to be a prostitute, whether or not money changes hands.

New Internationalist, Issue 252 - February 1994.

[in India] Any sexual intercourse outside socially acceptable unions is likely to be regarded as prostitution.

New Internationalist, Issue 252 - February 1994.

[In Iran] Under mut'a, it is possible to be 'married' for as little as half an hour.

New Internationalist, Issue 252 - February 1994.

Egyptian law states that a man who is caught with a prostitute is not imprisoned; instead, his testimony is used to convict and imprison the prostitute.

New Internationalist, Issue 252 - February 1994.

Prostitutes are the inevitable product of a society that places ultimate importance on money, possessions, and competition.

Jane Fonda, in Thomas Kiernan, Jane: An Intimate Biography of Jane Fonda (1970).

Prostitution is organized rape.

Christine Stark
