Political apathy
Political apathy is the indifference on the part of citizen of any country as regards their attitude towards political activities; for example: elections, public opinons, civic responsibilities, etc. A broader way of referring to political apathy in a country is to consider its political culture. By contrast, political culture is the behavioural disposition of people towards the government of their country vis-a-vis every other political activities. The belief of people like this is that politics is a dirty game, whatever is done there is not their business because a certain set of people are meant for the task, and only those who are atheist or freelance can join politics. Political apathy, if left uncontroled, can bring about stagnation to the development of any nation. There is certainly a problem of assessment, because where the citizens do not partake in political activities, it is an opportunity for mediocres to gain control of politics. Political Apathy is a feature of every society, be it the developed world or the developing nations, the only difference is that they have different deposits of it within their borders. For a nation to develop, and make its laws to function to the fullest, there must be a high level of political awareness, such that the ruled and the rulers will serve as a check on one another.