Police Foundation
The Police Foundation, of Washington, DC, is a non-profit foundation dedicated to helping the police be more effective in doing their job. It was founded on July 22, 1970 by the Ford Foundation
, and has continued to receive its primary support from that foundation, although it now has a large endowment of its own. The Police Foundation's central focus is on research - experiments and studies to try out alternative possibilities for policing. Many of the works published by the Foundation have been widely cited by organizations involved with police and legal work and reform.
Some of the leading Police Foundations throughout the US and the World can be found here:
Ford Foundation
The Ford Foundation is a private foundation incorporated in Michigan and based in New York City created to fund programs that were chartered in 1936 by Edsel Ford and Henry Ford....
, and has continued to receive its primary support from that foundation, although it now has a large endowment of its own. The Police Foundation's central focus is on research - experiments and studies to try out alternative possibilities for policing. Many of the works published by the Foundation have been widely cited by organizations involved with police and legal work and reform.
Some of the leading Police Foundations throughout the US and the World can be found here:
National Police Foundation | Washington, DC | http://www.policefoundation.org/ |
Alexandria Police Foundation | Alexandria, VA | http://www.alexandriapolicefoundation.org/ |
Atlanta Police Foundation | Atlanta, GA | http://www.atlantapolicefoundation.org/ |
Bellevue Police Foundation | Bellevue, WA | http://bellevuepolicefoundation.org |
Camden Police Foundation | Camden, NJ | http://camdenpolicefoundation.org// |
Charlotte-Meckelenburg Police Foundation | Charlotte, NC | http://charlottepolicefoundation.org/ |
Clovis Police Foundation | Clovis, CA | http://clovispolicefoundation.org/ |
Daytona Beach Police Foundation | Daytona Beach, FL | http://www.daytonabeachpolicefoundation.org/ |
Denver Police Foundation | Denver, CO | http://www.denverpolicefoundation.org/ |
Edmonds Police Foundation | Edmonds, WA | http://www.edmondspolicefoundation.org/ |
Edmonton Police Foundation | Edmonton, ON (Canada) | http://www.edmontonpolicefoundation.com/ |
El Paso Police Foundation | El Paso, TX | http://www.elpasopolicefoundation.org/ |
Fairfax County Police Foundation | Fairfax County, VA | http://www.fairfaxfoundation.org/ |
Fayetteville Police Foundation | Fayetteville, NC | http://fayettevillepolicefoundation.org/ |
Gaithersburg Police Foundation | Gaithersburg, MD | http://www.gaithersburgmd.gov/poi/default.asp?POI_ID=1618&TOC=107;85;1618; |
Gardena Police Foundation | Gardena, CA | http://www.gardenapolicefoundation.org |
Gastonia Police Foundation | Gastonia, NC | http://www.gastoniapolicefoundation.com |
Glendale Police Foundation | Glendale, CA | http://glendalepolicefoundation.org/testsite/GPF/Welcome.html |
Henrico Police Foundation | Henrico, VA | http://www.henricopolicefoundation.org/ |
Houston Police Foundation | Houston, TX | http://www.houstonpolicefoundation.com/ |
Howard County Police Foundation | Howard County, MD | http://countyofhowardmd.us/policefoundation.htm |
Lancaster Police Foundation | Lancaster, PA | http://www.lancasterpolice.com/PoliceFoundation/index.htm |
Lexington Police Foundation | Lexington, VA | http://lbpolicefoundation.org/ |
Lodi Police Foundation | Lodi, CA | http://lodipdfoundation.org/index.htm/ |
Long Beach Police Foundation | Long Beach, CA | http://lbpolicefoundation.org/ |
Los Angeles Police Foundation | Los Angeles, CA | http://www.lapolicefoundation.org/ |
Lynchburg Police Foundation | Lynchburg, VA | http://www.lynchburgva.gov/Index.aspx?page=4547 |
Marco Island Police Foundation | Marco Island, FL | http://www.marcopolicefoundation.org/ |
Newark Police Foundation | Newark, NJ | http://newarkpolicefoundation.org/ |
New York City Police Foundation | New York, NY | http://www.nycpolicefoundation.org/ |
Oakland Police Foundation | Oakland, CA | http://www.oaklandpolicefoundation.org/ |
Olathe Police Foundation | Olathe, KS | http://olathepolicefoundation.org/ |
Palm Beach Police Foundatiion | Palm Beach, FL | http://www.pbpolicefoundation.org/ |
Palm Beach Gardens Police Foundatiion | Palm Beach Gardens, FL | http://www.pbgpolicefoundation.org/ |
Palos Park Police Foundatiion | Palos Park, IL | http://www.palosparkpolicefoundation.org/ |
Pasadena Police Foundatiion | Pasadena, CA | http://ww2.cityofpasadena.net/blog/police/?p=580/ |
Pocono Mountain Police Foundatiion | Pocono Mountain, PA | http://www.pmrpd.com/Fax_3783.pdf |
Prescott Valley Police Foundatiion | Prescott Valley, AZ | http://www.pvpolicefoundation.com/ |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Foundatiion | Ottawa, ON, (Canada) | http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/mr-ce/mpf-fpm/index-eng.htm |
Salem Police Foundation | Salem, OR | http://www.salempolicefoundation.com/ |
San Diego Police Foundation | San Diego, CA | http://www.sdpolicefoundation.org/ |
Santa Ana Police Foundation | Santa Ana, CA | http://www.sapdf.org// |
Seattle Police Foundation | Seattle, WA | http://www.seattlepolicefoundation.org/ |
Shawnee Police Foundation | Shawnee, OK | http://www.shawneeok.org/PublicSafety/Police/foundation// |
Simi Valley Police Foundation | Simi Valley, CA | http://www.svpf.org/ |
Stamford Police Foundation | Stamford, CT | http://stamfordpolicefoundation.org// |
Tucson Police Foundation | Tucson, AZ | http://www.tucsonpolicefoundation.org/ |
Upland Police Foundation | Upland, CA | http://www.uplandpolicefoundation.com/ |
Vancouver Police Foundation | Vancouver, BC (Canada) | http://www.vancouverpolicefoundation.org/ |
Virginia Police Chief's Foundation | Henrico, VA | http://www.vapolicefoundation.org/ |
Virginia Beach Police Foundation | Virginia Beach, VA | http://www.vbpolicefoundation.org/ |
Washington Police Foundation | Washington, DC | http://www.dcpolicefoundation.org/ |
Waynesboro Police Foundation | Waynesboro, VA | http://www.waynesboropolicefoundation.com/ |
Woodstock Police Foundation | Woodstock, GA | http://www.wpfoundation.org |
External links
- Police Foundation homepage
- History page at the Foundation's site
- Ford Foundation Annual Report 1970, p 10 - discusses the founding of the Police Foundation