Poet Laureate of the District of Columbia
The Poet Laureate of the District of Columbia of the official poet
Poet Laureate
A poet laureate is a poet officially appointed by a government and is often expected to compose poems for state occasions and other government events...

 of the District of Columbia. The Poet Laureate is officially appointed by the Mayor of the District of Columbia and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

First appointee

The poet laureate program was established in 1984 by former mayor Marion Barry
Marion Barry
Marion Shepilov Barry, Jr. is an American Democratic politician who is currently serving as a member of the Council of the District of Columbia, representing DC's Ward 8. Barry served as the second elected mayor of the District of Columbia from 1979 to 1991, and again as the fourth mayor from 1995...

. The first poet laureate was Sterling A. Brown, a native Washingtonian and winner of the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize he held the position until his death in 1989.

Current appointee

On May 14, 1999 Dolores Kendrick
Dolores Kendrick
Dolores Kendrick is an American poet, and Poet Laureate of the District of Columbia.Her book, The Women of Plums: Poems in the Voices of Slave Women, won the Annisfield-Wolfe Award.-Life:She is Vira I...

 was named the second Poet Laureate of the District of Columbia. Kendrick hosts events throughout the city including a day devoted to African American poetry during Black History Month
Black History Month
Black History Month is an observance of the history of the African diaspora in a number of countries outside of Africa. Since 1976, it is observed annually in the United States and Canada in February, while in the United Kingdom it is observed in October...

. She also developed and manages the Young Champion Poets Program which provides local young poets the opportunity to write and perform their own poetry.
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