created by Cavalier-Smith, specifically a division (phylum
)Historically bacteria were considered plants consequently the usage of "division" over "phylum" was brought over when the kindgom Monera
was established. The bacteriological code has since imposed that the rank should be phylum and not division. Nevertheless, Cavalier-Smith adopts the term division., it is however not followed by the larger scientific community.
Cavalier-Smith postulated that the Planctobacteria probably lost or reduced their peptidoglycan
cell wall
In the Cavalier-Smith bacterial megaclassification, it is within the bacterial Gracilicutes
infrakindgom and comprises three classes Chlamydiae
, Lentisphaerae
, Planctomycetes
, Verrucomicrobia
Well, their poster child doesn't know it yet, but she's into me.
I guess I'll see you around...'same bat time' or whatever.
[to Janet] Remember when you got drunk and nearly got the chancellor of Bulgaria killed? I covered for you!
[to Lucy] I'm here because I feel more like me when I'm with you, than I do when I'm with me.
I think love should be irresistible, like a drug, you know? I think when it happens you should just not be able to help yourself. I just - I wanted... more.
Dominique: You're not as boring as I thought. But you're not as bright, either.
Mr Phipps: You are a perfect liar.
Scud: Knock 'em dead... but not really.
Janet: Have you seen my gun?
They're crime-fighting hotties with killer bodies.