The Piscirickettsiaceae are a family of Proteobacteria
The Proteobacteria are a major group of bacteria. They include a wide variety of pathogens, such as Escherichia, Salmonella, Vibrio, Helicobacter, and many other notable genera....

. All species are aerobe and found in water
The species Piscirickettsia salmonis is a fish pathogen bacteria and causes Piscirickettsiosis in salmonid fish
It lives in cells of infected hosts and can´t be cultured on artificial media. Piscirickettsia salmonis is non-motile, where as the other five generas are motile by using a single flagellum
A flagellum is a tail-like projection that protrudes from the cell body of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and plays the dual role of locomotion and sense organ, being sensitive to chemicals and temperatures outside the cell. There are some notable differences between prokaryotic and...

. None of them are pathogens.

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