Pillars of the fauces
The pillars of the fauces are arches found in the fauces of the mouth.

They include:
  • Palatoglossal arch
    Palatoglossal arch
    The palatoglossal arch on either side runs downward, lateralward, and forward to the side of the base of the tongue, and is formed by the projection of the glossopalatine muscle with its covering mucous membrane. It is the anterior border of isthmus faucium and marks the border between the mouth...

  • Palatopharyngeal arch
    Palatopharyngeal arch
    The palatopharyngeal arch is larger and projects farther toward the middle line than the anterior; it runs downward, lateralward, and backward to the side of the pharynx, and is formed by the projection of the Pharyngopalatinus, covered by mucous membrane....

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