Pick chart
A PICK chart is a Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma
In recent years, some practitioners have combined Six Sigma ideas with lean manufacturing to yield a methodology named Lean Six Sigma. Lean manufacturing – addressing process flow and waste issues – and Six Sigma, with its focus on variation and design, are viewed as complementary disciplines in...

 tool, developed by Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin is an American global aerospace, defense, security, and advanced technology company with worldwide interests. It was formed by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Marietta in March 1995. It is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, in the Washington Metropolitan Area....

, for organizing process improvement ideas and categorizing them during the Identify and Prioritize Opportunities Phase of a Lean Six Sigma project.


When faced with multiple improvement ideas a PICK chart may be used to determine the most useful. There are four categories on a 2*2 matrix; horizontal is scale of payoff (or benefits), vertical is ease of implementation. By deciding where an idea falls on the pick chart four proposed project actions are provided; Possible, Implement, Challenge and Kill (thus the name PICK).

Low Payoff, easy to do - Possible

High Payoff, easy to do - Implement

High Payoff, hard to do - Challenge

Low Payoff, hard to do - Kill

The vertical axis, representing ease of implementation would typically include some assessment of cost to implement as well. More expensive actions can be said to be more difficult to implement.

Sample PICK chart

Payoff Low Payoff High
easy to do Possible Implement
hard to do Kill Challenge
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