Pi Tau Sigma

Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the...
Honor Society
Honor society
In the United States, an honor society is a rank organization that recognizes excellence among peers. Numerous societies recognize various fields and circumstances. The Order of the Arrow, for example, is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America...
. Pi Tau Sigma's core values are:
- Integrity (soundness of character and moral conduct),
- Service (serving the mechanical engineering profession and the community), and
- Leadership (being foremost and fostering initiative through example in a professional manner).
Pi Tau Sigma came into being on March 16, 1915, at the University of Illinois. A similar organization embarked November 15, 1915, at Wisconsin. The two schools met together early in 1916 to make the honor society national, under the name of Pi Tau Sigma. The coalition took place in Chicago, March 12, 1916. To date, 167 chapters have been inducted into the organization throughout the United States with a 157 still active.Pi Tau Sigma honors Mechanical engineering students who have exemplified the "principles of scholarship, character and service..." in the Mechanical engineering profession
Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to join Pi Tau Sigma based on academic achievement. Juniors in the top 25% of their class and seniors in the top 35% of their class, based on grades, are invited to join. Membership fees are due at initiation and membership lasts a lifetime.Pi Tau Sigma members are chosen on a basis of sound engineering ability, scholarship, personality, and probable future success in their chosen field of Mechanical Engineering. There are three grades of membership: Honorary, Graduate, and Active. Honorary members are technical graduates actively engaged in engineering work, or members of mechanical engineering faculties. graduate membership is conferred upon persons who would have been eligible had Pi Tau Sigma been established earlier in schools not having chapters, or upon those continuing graduate study. Active members are selected from the junior and senior mechanical engineering classes at their respective schools whose mechanical engineering curriculum must be accredited by the A.B.E.T.