Photonics21 is a voluntary association of industrial enterprises and other stakeholders in the field of photonics in Europe. It unites the majority of the leading photonics industries and relevant R&D stakeholders along the whole economic value chain throughout Europe. Photonics21 was founded in 2005. By establishing the European Technology Platform Photonics21, the photonics industry has taken the initiative to shape the European research area in photonics. The platform has grown from 250 members to currently more than 1,400 stakeholders who come from 49 countries.
Photonics21 comprises seven work groups, four being application oriented - Information and Communication, Industrial Production/Manufacturing & Quality, Life Science & Health and Lighting & Displays and three serving cross sectoral issues: Security, Metrology and Sensors, Components and Systems and Photonics Research Education and Training.
Photonics21 aims to coordinate the research and development activities in Europe among all the contributing partners from education, basic research, applied research and development to manufacturing and all relevant applications.
Photonics21 defines and updates a joint European mid to long term strategy for Photonics in Europe for both, industry and science in the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). Furthermore, Photonics21 provides detailed information on the economic impact of photonics in Europe. It has become the main advisory body of the European Commission for setting up strategic funding programmes in photonics. Photonics21 also provides advice to European member states on strategic investments in photonic technologies.
In 2007, Photonics21 has established a political mirror group consisting of representatives of the member states, together with the European Commission in order to better coordinate and align European research in Photonics.
The president of Photonics21 is Martin Goetzeler.
Photonics21 comprises seven work groups, four being application oriented - Information and Communication, Industrial Production/Manufacturing & Quality, Life Science & Health and Lighting & Displays and three serving cross sectoral issues: Security, Metrology and Sensors, Components and Systems and Photonics Research Education and Training.
Photonics21 aims to coordinate the research and development activities in Europe among all the contributing partners from education, basic research, applied research and development to manufacturing and all relevant applications.
Photonics21 defines and updates a joint European mid to long term strategy for Photonics in Europe for both, industry and science in the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). Furthermore, Photonics21 provides detailed information on the economic impact of photonics in Europe. It has become the main advisory body of the European Commission for setting up strategic funding programmes in photonics. Photonics21 also provides advice to European member states on strategic investments in photonic technologies.
In 2007, Photonics21 has established a political mirror group consisting of representatives of the member states, together with the European Commission in order to better coordinate and align European research in Photonics.
The president of Photonics21 is Martin Goetzeler.