Philosophy in Review
Philosophy in Review formerly Canadian Philosophical Reviews (CPR), is an English language online, open access journal, specializing in the review of books about philosophy. PIR is published six times a year and covers all areas of and approaches to philosophy. Begun as a publication of Academic Printing and Publishing (APP) in 1981 by its first editor and publisher, Roger Shiner, CPR changed its name to PIR in 1997. In 2006 editorship of PIR passed to Jeffrey Foss of the University of Victoria, in British Columbia, Canada, who was succeeded in 2007 by its current editor, David Scott, also of the University of Victoria. In 2010 the University of Victoria replaced APP as PIR’s publisher. Issues back to Volume 28, Number 1 (2008) are accessible online and can easily be searched.You can browse by issue, by author of Review and by title or author of the book.