Phillip Stackhouse
Phillip Stackhouse is an attorney who predominantly represents military men and women. He is a retired Marine who served as both an enlisted Marine and infantry Officer. He has represented defendants in several high profile, international cases, including: Second Lieutenant Ilario Pantano
Ilario Pantano
Ilario G. Pantano is a former United States Marine Corps second lieutenant. He has also been an author, a television commentator, and served as a deputy sheriff in Wilmington, North Carolina...

, Staff Sergeant Christopher Vangoethem, and Petty Officer Ariel Weinmann
Ariel Weinmann
Petty Officer Ariel Weinmann, formerly a Fire Control Technician 3rd Class, now a Seaman Recruit with the United States Navy pled guilty on 4 December 2006 to espionage, desertion and other charges. His case is notable as an espionage case where the Navy and trial court officials have denied...



Phillip Stackhouse is a recipient of the Outstanding Career Armed Services Attorney Award given by the Judge Advocate’s Association.
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