Phelsuma madagascariensis
Phelsuma madagascariensis is a species of day gecko that lives in Madagascar
The Republic of Madagascar is an island country located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa...

. It is among the most widespread day geckos and is found in a wide range of habitats. With a length of up to 30.5 centimetres (12 in), it is also the largest day gecko in Madagascar. (the highly restricted Round Island day gecko
Round Island day gecko
The Round Island day gecko, Phelsuma guentheri, also known as Gunther's Gecko, is a species of gecko. It lives on the islet Round Island , and typically dwells on different palm trees. The Round Island day gecko feeds on insects and nectar.- Description :This lizard belongs to the largest living...

 is the only other extant species with a similar maximum length and the extinct Rodrigues Giant Day Gecko
Rodrigues giant day gecko
Rodrigues giant day gecko was an extinct diurnal species of gecko. It lived on the island of Rodrigues and surrounding islands and typically dwelt on trees. The Rodrigues giant day gecko fed on insects and nectar.-Description:...

 was even larger.)


There are several subspecies:
  • Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis (Madagascar day gecko
    Madagascar day gecko
    Madagascar day gecko is a diurnal subspecies of geckos. It lives on the eastern coast of Madagascar and typically inhabits rainforests and dwells on trees...

  • Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis (Madagascar giant day gecko
    Madagascar giant day gecko
    Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis Gray, 1870, is a diurnal arboreal subspecies of the day geckos . These geckos are part of the Phelsuma group, which consists of 70 species and subspecies. One common name is Madagascar giant day gecko, being large and is found in areas of tropical and subtropical...

  • Phelsuma madagascariensis kochi (Koch's giant day gecko
    Koch's giant day gecko
    Koch's giant day gecko is a diurnal subspecies of geckos. It lives in northwest and western Madagascar and typically inhabits trees. The Koch's giant day gecko feeds on insects and nectar....

  • Phelsuma madagascariensis boehmei (Boehme's giant day gecko
    Boehme's giant day gecko
    Boehme's giant day gecko is a diurnal species of gecko. It lives in eastern Madagascar and typically inhabits rainforests and dwells on trees. Boehme's giant day gecko feeds on insects and nectar....

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