Phasmatocoris is a little-known genus of thread-legged bug (Emesinae
Emesinae, or thread-legged bugs, are a subfamily of the Reduviidae . They are conspicuously different from the other reduviids by their very slender body form. They are stalking, predaceous insects that can be collected on palm fronds, cliffs, spider webbing, or near lights at night...

). Fourteen species have been described, including 3 from Colombia
Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia , is a unitary constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The country is located in northwestern South America, bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador and Peru; to the north by the Caribbean Sea; to the...


Partial species list

  • Phasmatocoris magdalenae Wygodzinsky
  • Phasmatocoris moraballi Wygodzinsky
  • Phasmatocoris spectrum
    Phasmatocoris spectrum
    Phasmatocoris spectrum is a thread-legged bug species from the genus Phasmatocoris. It is found in South America, having been recorded in Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela. The Colombia record was taken from a “Palma Real” tree in the forest interior....

    Breddin, 1904
  • Phasmatocoris sturmi Wygodzinsky
  • Phasmatocoris usingeri Wygodzinsky, 1966
  • Phasmatocoris xavieri Gil-Santana 2007
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