Phallolysin is a toxic hemolysin
Hemolysins are exotoxins produced by bacteria that cause lysis of red blood cells in vitro. Visualization of hemolysis of red blood cells in agar plates facilitates the categorization of some pathogenic bacteria such as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus...

 that has been isolated from the death cap mushroom Amanita phalloides. Phallolysin is a mixture of either two or three proteins of similar structure, each with a molecular weight of 34 kDa
Atomic mass unit
The unified atomic mass unit or dalton is a unit that is used for indicating mass on an atomic or molecular scale. It is defined as one twelfth of the rest mass of an unbound neutral atom of carbon-12 in its nuclear and electronic ground state, and has a value of...

. It has shown some hemolytic (red blood cell–destroying) activity in vitro.
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