Peter Stefanou
Peter Stefanou is an Australian actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

, who has had many television and theatre roles. Peter is best known for his recurring role of Vince Lavise on McLeod's Daughters
McLeod's Daughters
McLeod's Daughters is a Logie award-winning Australian drama series that aired on the Nine Network from 2001 to 2009. It tells the story of two sisters, Claire and Tess McLeod, who are reunited after they inherit the family farm...

. He is known to international audiences for his role in Ponderosa
Ponderosa (TV series)
The Ponderosa is a television series developed by Bonanza creator David Dortort for PAX-TV that ran for the 2001–2002 television season. Envisioned as a prequel to the long-running NBC series Bonanza, it had less gunfire, brawling and other traditional western elements than the original...

, a prequel to the NBC television series Bonanza
Bonanza is an American western television series that both ran on and was a production of NBC from September 12, 1959 to January 16, 1973. Lasting 14 seasons and 430 episodes, it ranks as the second longest running western series and still continues to air in syndication. It centers on the...


Television Credits

  • City Homicide
    City Homicide
    City Homicide was an Australian television drama series that aired on the Seven Network between 27 August 2007 – 30 March 2011. The series was set on the Homicide floor of a metropolitan police headquarters in Melbourne...

     as Zabor
  • Blue Heelers
    Blue Heelers
    Blue Heelers is an Australian police drama series which depicted the lives of police officers stationed at the fictional Mount Thomas police station in a small town in Victoria.- Overview :...

     as Dr Mehmet Gulmez
  • After the Deluge as Stavros
  • Marshall Law
    Marshall Law
    Marshall Law was an Australian television series, which aired on the Seven Network in 2002, starring Lisa McCune and Alison Whyte as lawyers and sisters.- History :...

     as Nick
  • McLeod's Daughters
    McLeod's Daughters
    McLeod's Daughters is a Logie award-winning Australian drama series that aired on the Nine Network from 2001 to 2009. It tells the story of two sisters, Claire and Tess McLeod, who are reunited after they inherit the family farm...

     as Vince Lavise
  • Stingers
    Stingers was an Australian police drama television series. It ran for eight seasons on the Nine Network before it was canceled in late 2004 due to declining ratings and the late timeslot Channel Nine gave the program...

     as Mario Sistini
  • State Coroner
    State Coroner (TV series)
    State Coroner was an Australian television series screened on Network Ten in 1997 and 1998. There were two series produced with a total of 29 episodes. The series was set in the State Coroner's office complex and featured investigations into deaths, murders, suicides, accidents and natural causes...

     as John
  • The Librarians
    The Librarians (TV series)
    The Librarians is an Australian television comedy series which premiered on 31 October 2007 on ABC TV. In Ireland the show airs on RTÉ Two. The series is produced and written by Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope who are also the principal cast members. Hope is also the series' director. The first...

     as Muslim Job Applicant
  • Satisfaction
    Satisfaction (TV series)
    Satisfaction is an Australian television drama series which screened on the subscription television channel Showcase. It also screens in the Republic of Ireland on free-to-air channel TV3 and its sister channel 3e and in New Zealand on free-to-air channel TV2 respectively.The series was filmed in...

    as Real Estate Agent

External links

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