Performance Rating (Work Measurement)
Performance Rating is the step in the work measurement
Work Measurement
Work measurement is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for an average worker to carry out a specified manufacturing task at a defined level of performance...

 in which the analyst
Analyst generally is a term for an individual of whom or which the primary function is a deep examination of a specific, limited area and may mean:* Accounting analyst, an accounting analyst evaluates and interprets public company financial statements...

 observes the worker’s performance and records a value representing that performance relative to the analyst's concept of standard performance.

There are several methods of performance rating. The simplest and most common method is based on speed
In kinematics, the speed of an object is the magnitude of its velocity ; it is thus a scalar quantity. The average speed of an object in an interval of time is the distance traveled by the object divided by the duration of the interval; the instantaneous speed is the limit of the average speed as...

 or pace
Pace may refer to:*Pace , the speed at which movement occurs*Pace , a unit of length*"Peace" in Italian, sometimes written on a rainbow flag...

. Standard performance is denoted as 100%. A performance rating greater than 100% means the worker's performance is more than standard, and less than 100% means the worker's performance is less than standard.
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