Pelliaceae is a family
Family (biology)
In biological classification, family is* a taxonomic rank. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus, and species, with family fitting between order and genus. As for the other well-known ranks, there is the option of an immediately lower rank, indicated by the...

 of liverworts
The Marchantiophyta are a division of bryophyte plants commonly referred to as hepatics or liverworts. Like other bryophytes, they have a gametophyte-dominant life cycle, in which cells of the plant carry only a single set of genetic information....

 with only two genera: Pellia
Pellia is a small but widespread genus of liverworts in the cool and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. It is classified in order Metzgeriales and is a member of the family Pelliaceae within that order....

(in the temperate Northern Hemisphere) and Noteroclada
Noteroclada is a small genus of liverworts of the Southern Hemisphere. It is classified in order Metzgeriales and is a member of the family Pelliaceae within that order...

(in the Southern Hemisphere). The two genera are easily distinguished, not only because they occur in completely separate regions of the world, but because Noteroclada has a leafy appearance, while Pellia is more clearly thallose
Thallus (tissue)
Thallus, from Latinized Greek θαλλός , meaning a green shoot or twig, is the undifferentiated vegetative tissue of some organisms in diverse groups such as algae, fungus, some liverworts, lichens, and the Myxogastria. Many of these organisms were previously known as the thallophytes, a polyphyletic...

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