Peer Critique
Peer critique, a specialized form of critique
Critique is a method of disciplined, systematic analysis of a written or oral discourse. Critique is commonly understood as fault finding and negative judgement, but it can also involve merit recognition, and in the philosophical tradition it also means a methodical practice of doubt...

, is the common practice of writers reviewing and providing constructive criticism of each other's work. Most fiction writers use some form of peer critique as part of their process of writing.

In the classroom

Peer critique has long been used as part of the process of teaching writing. In traditional classrooms power and authority can often be teacher-centric, with teachers correcting work to their own vision of ideal writing. Many researchers have found that peer critique offers a complementary style of feedback Whereas teachers' feedback often focuses on general comments and error correction, peers tend to give specific, deep comments on the work before them rather than correcting to an ideal.

In his groundbreaking 1973 book Writing without Teachers, Peter Elbow
Peter Elbow
Peter Elbow is currently a Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where he also directed the Writing Program from 1996 until 2000...

 stated a powerful argument for peer-only writing classes, eliminating the teacher from the process entirely. Many informal writing groups still use Elbow's methods for peer critique.

Peer critique has also been found to be useful to those who provide critiques, helping students to develop analytical and critical thinking abilities and become better able to judge their own writing.

Outside the classroom

Peer writing groups have existed probably as long as writing has. Anne Ruggles Gere has written several useful articles and books about the history of writing groups, and how they have evolved over time from social "clubs" and chautauquas to the many types of groups we have today, including online peer critique sites.

Face-to-face critiques

The most traditional form of peer critique, both inside and outside the classroom, is face-to-face. In this method, writers gather together in person and discuss each other's work in detail. Face-to-face writing groups (also known as writing circles, writing groups, or workshops) can be a source of great support and encouragement for writers in what is sometimes a lonely endeavor. The greatest challenge for informal groups is keeping a face-to-face critique group together; many fall apart quickly due to lack of commitment, personality conflicts, or hurt feelings.

Online writing classes

In recent years with the advent of the Blackboard Learning System
Blackboard Learning System
The Blackboard Learning System is a virtual learning environment and course management system developed by Blackboard Inc. Features include course management, a customizable open architecture, and a scalable design that allows for integration with student information systems and authentication...

and similar online teaching tools, it has become possible to take writing courses entirely online. In online courses students generally give each other feedback on writing in message-board style posts. Comments are usually brief. Teachers must beware of the "pile-on effect" of students merely echoing what teachers and previous commenters have mentioned; it will be useful for teachers to apply lessons from peer critique websites, which have functioned online for many years.

Online critique sites

Since at least 1985, with the Compuserve Books & Writer's Forum, writers have formed writing spaces online where they can discuss writing, share resources, and critique work. There are many active critique sites now, catering to all levels and genres of writers.

Types of critique rites

Online peer critique sites tend to vary by:
  • Charge: Some sites are free, some require membership, and some charge only for premium services
  • Privacy: Sites vary on whether they are open to public view, require a password, or require approval by moderators to join
  • Style: Many sites use general message-board formats, though some use e-mail loops for actual work
  • Genre: There are specific critique sites for romance writers, science fiction/fantasy writers, short story writers, etc.
  • Commitment: Nearly all sites generally require some time or activity commitment, but sites vary significantly on how much is required to receive critiques
  • Moderation: Some sites are only lightly moderated, and some heavily; a few sites even have editors on staff who judge critiques
  • Level of expertise: Some sites cater to beginners, while others have many advanced and published authors on their rosters
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