Paumakua of Maui
Paumakua-a-Huanuikalailai was the 1st Moi of Maui, although he is believed never to have any control over any significant portion of Maui. His title rather derived from the ability of his descendants to gain suzerainty over the entire island of Maui. He was descended from Hema of the Ulu line.

Paumakua probably did not arrive earlier than the time of his father Huanuikalailai, if Paumakua himself was not the first arrival of his family, along with his brother Kuheailani. And through the Maui and Hawaii dynasties ever kept the Paumakua, whom they claimed as ancestor, distinctly descending on the Hema branch of the Ulu line, yet they never scrupled in after ages to appropriate to him the legends and events connected with Paumakua of Oahu
Paumakua of Oahu
Paumakua of Oahu was a King of Oahu prior to the establishment of the alii aimoku lordship of the Maweke family. He existed prior to the 13th century or 11th century AD. He descend from Puna of the Ulu line. His contemporary was the Paumakua of Maui. His name referred to his family and...


Of Paumakua of Maui little is to tell. Through his son Haho of Maui descends the Moi of Maui. Of his brother Kuheailani, nothing remarkable has been retain upon Hawaiian traditions. Kuheailani son, Hakalanilea appear to have become the lord of some lands in the Hilo district of the Hawaii.

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