Patrick McCray
Patrick McCray is an American comic book author, actor, director, and voice actor. His most famous work, the comic series Elvis Shrugged was published by Todd Loren
Todd Loren
Todd Loren was an American comic book publisher, owner of Revolutionary Comics and its title Rock 'N' Roll Comics.- Biography :...

's Revolutionary Comics
Revolutionary Comics
Revolutionary Comics was a U.S. comic book publisher best known for the series Rock 'N' Roll Comics, launched in 1989. Founded by publisher Todd Loren, the line featured unlicensed biographies of rock stars, told in comic book form but geared for adults, often with very adult situations...

 has been cited by Ayn Rand scholars and Elvis scholars alike. He currently serves as an executive producer of the award-winning, British audio drama, Star Trek: The Continuing Mission
Star Trek: The Continuing Mission
Star Trek: The Continuing Mission is an independently produced, non-profit, science fiction series set in the Star Trek universe. The show, created by Sebastian Prooth and Andy Tyrer in July 2007, is released exclusively via the Internet in the form of downloadable audio dramas. Sebastian Prooth...

, and as a contributor for Bluewater Productions
Bluewater Productions
Bluewater Productions, Inc. is an independent production studio of comic books and graphic novels. Based in Vancouver, Washington, Bluewater publishes biographical comics, adaptations from films and original titles with self-created characters, most notably of publisher Darren G...

. A drama coach in Knoxville, Tennessee, Patrick is now the director of over fifty plays, has been a professional Shakespearean actor, television personality, and a voice talent for radio and television commercials throughout the nation. Mr. McCray is a native of Louisville, Kentucky.

External links

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