Patrick Ladeen Curran
Patrick Ladeen Curran was King of the Claddagh
King of the Claddagh
The King of the Claddagh was the title given to the leader of the Claddagh community in Galway City. It is now a honarary role.-Background:Up to the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Claddagh was a distinct Irish speaking community across the Corrib River from Galway City, with its own king, who...



Curran had been born and raised in the Old Claddagh
Claddagh is an area close to the centre of Galway city, where the Corrib River meets Galway Bay. It was formerly a fishing village, just outside the old city walls. It is just across the river from the Spanish Arch, which was the location of regular fish markets where the locals supplied the city...

, prior to its demolition in the 1930s. He emigrated to Britain
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

, and the U.S.A., where he met and married Kate Gannon of the Long Walk, Galway, on St. Stephen's Day
St. Stephen's Day
St. Stephen's Day, or the Feast of St. Stephen, is a Christian saint's day celebrated on 26 December in the Western Church and 27 December in the Eastern Church. Many Eastern Orthodox churches adhere to the Julian calendar and mark St. Stephen's Day on 27 December according to that calendar, which...

 1930. Elected King in his retirement, he was delighted to represent his community at the Galway Races
Galway Races
The Galway Races is an Irish horse-racing festival that starts on the last Monday of July every year. Held at Ballybrit Racecourse in Galway, Ireland over seven days, it is the longest of all the race meets that occur in Ireland....

, the St. Patrick's Day Parades, as well as national television.

Upon his death in 1989, the kingship was allowed to lapse for some years until revived with the election of Mike Lynskey
Mike Lynskey
-biography:Although he has never been professionally involved in sailing, Lynskey has always taken an active interest in the traditions and lifestyle of the Claddagh, and, as King of the Claddagh, has worked hard to try and keep them alive...



  • Where the River Corrib Flows, Maurice Semple, Galway
    Galway or City of Galway is a city in County Galway, Republic of Ireland. It is the sixth largest and the fastest-growing city in Ireland. It is also the third largest city within the Republic and the only city in the Province of Connacht. Located on the west coast of Ireland, it sits on the...

    , 1989.
  • Down by the Claddagh, Peadar O'Dowd
    Peadar O'Dowd
    Peadar O'Dowd is a local historian from Galway and is a member of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society.-Select bibliography:* Old and new Galway, Galway, 1985* In from the West, the McDonogh Dynasty, 2002....

    , Galway
    Galway or City of Galway is a city in County Galway, Republic of Ireland. It is the sixth largest and the fastest-growing city in Ireland. It is also the third largest city within the Republic and the only city in the Province of Connacht. Located on the west coast of Ireland, it sits on the...

    , 1993.
  • Galway - A Maritine Tradition:Ships, boats and people, Brendan O'Donnell, Galway, 2001.
  • Coffin Ship: The Wreck of the Brig St. John, William Henry, 2009. ISBN 978-1856356312.
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