Patrick Cave
Patrick Cave is a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...



Patrick Cave was born in Bath, England. He has tried his hand at lots of jobs and lived all over the place, from Athens to Peckham, mostly teaching English. He attended boarding school for seven years, during which he developed a love of music and of cross-country running and gained some spectacular exam failures. After obtaining his degree and a teaching certificate, he taught for ten years. Cave began writing books when faced with pressing financial need in the French countryside. A taoist by inclination, he also manages/sound-engineers in a live-music pub and lives on a boat..He has three children. He is currently training to become a healer.

Cave has always loved children's fiction, stating 'who could possibly understand the world better than children?' He believes that his readers bring their own meaning to his books and with all the ingredients of excitement, suspense, catharsis, and escapism present in the story, there is no one "message". One of his favorite writers is K.M. Peyton.

He is concentrating on comedy writing at the moment.
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