Parvati Shallow
Parvati Shallow is the $1,000,000 winner of the reality television series Survivor: Micronesia
after receiving votes from Eliza Orlins, Jason Siska, Alexis Jones, Natalie Bolton, and Cirie Fields
. She had previously competed in Survivor: Cook Islands
where she placed sixth, and later was the runner-up in Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains. As of July 5, 2011, Parvati stars in CBS's Around the World For Free
in Vero Beach, Florida. She and her family moved to Atlanta when she was 11 years old. Shallow put herself through college
, attending the University of Georgia
where she received her Bachelor of Arts
degree in journalism
with minors in French
and Italian
. While in college, she was an active member of the Alpha Omicron Pi
Shallow began competing in boxing in 2004. She and some fellow boxers created a non-profit organization titled "Knockouts for Girls", a charity that provides scholarship
s and boxing
lessons for underprivileged girls. She completed the Nautica Malibu Sprint Triathlon and is scheduled to compete in the Wildflower Olympic Distance Triathlon at Lake San Antonio, CA
In 2009, Shallow and fellow Survivor contestant Amanda Kimmel
appeared in the movie Into the Blue 2
(as Herself). In 2010, Shallow was the host on a CBS Survivor preview segment for the 21st season, Survivor: Nicaragua
Shallow is the new host of the webseries Around the World For Free
, which began airing on July 5, 2011.
producers, however, remembered her from her auditions and then approached her to take part in Survivor, which she accepted.http://movies.msn.com/celebrities/celebrity-photos/parvati-shallow/?gallery=22440&photo=28db772d-c909-4814-b318-ea88bc3eb240
, Jessica "Flica" Smith, and Candice Woodcock
. Her tribe did not face any danger for the first six days as they had immunity. When the four tribes were merged into two, Shallow and Gentry remained in Rarotonga while their other tribemates were sent to Aitutaki. Shallow survived her tribe's next three Tribal Councils as John Paul "J.P." Calderon, Stephannie Favor, and Cristina Coria were voted off. When the contestants were down to 12, a 'Mutiny' twist was presented where anybody could change tribe affiliations, and for the first time it was accepted. Shallow's former tribemates Penner and Woodcock decided to jump back to Rarotonga, thus having all remaining Caucasian
contestants on the same tribe. Rarotonga lost the next two Immunity challenges and Shallow remained loyal to her "White Alliance" by eliminating Brad Virata, Rebecca Borman, and Jenny Guzon-Bae.
At the merge, despite coming with a 5–4 member advantage over Aitutaki, Shallow found herself at the minority as Penner betrayed his former tribemates and joined the Aitu 4 in voting out Nathan "Nate" Gonzales. After alliance member Candice was eliminated, Shallow and Gentry found themselves fighting for survival. They talked to Yul Kwon
about voting out Penner (who betrayed their alliance) first in exchange for their jury votes, a plan which succeeded. On day 36, Shallow was finally voted out in a 4–2 vote when the Aitu 4 saw her craftiness as more of a threat than Gentry's physical strength. As a juror, she cast her vote for runner up Ozzy Lusth.
. After their tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, they tried swinging Jon Dalton
over to their side to gain a majority over the alliance of Yau-Man Chan
, Ami Cusack
, Eliza Orlins, and Jonathan Penner
. However, Dalton was voted out instead as he was deemed as untrustworthy. Shallow then made a pact with Cirie Fields
to go all the way to the final three with Kimmel. After losing the 3rd Immunity Challenge, Shallow was targeted by the opposing alliance but her alliance (now with Cirie) succeeded in voting off strategic threat Chan.
At the tribal switch, Shallow and Clement were separated from their alliance as they moved to Airai. However, she remained safe as her tribe won the remaining tribal Immunity Challenges. On day 20, she made a deal with Natalie Bolton to an alliance with Clement and Alexis Jones plus a final four deal with Jones and Kimmel, both of which Bolton accepted.
At the merge, Shallow found herself in a good position as she was allied with six (Jones, Kimmel, Fields, Bolton, Lusth, Clement) of the 9 people left. During the 10th Immunity Challenge, Shallow convinced Jason Siska to step down from the challenge so that she could win Immunity, which worked (under the condition that the tribe would not vote for Siska). However, Shallow's "Couples Alliance" decided to turn back on what they said and vote off Siska. Fields saw this as an opportunity to blindside physical threat Lusth and needed Shallow for it to work, which she agreed to. She recruited her Airai female allies Bolton and Jones to the plan, and Lusth was voted off 5–4. After Lusth was voted off, Shallow found herself in a failed attempt to patch things up with Clement and Kimmel (who kept her distrust to herself). The five remaining women then formed an alliance to vote off the men, starting with Siska. However, when Clement was evacuated and Erik Reichenbach won Immunity, they were forced to vote off one of their own. Kimmel was the intended target, a plan which Shallow did not want to be part of. She then helped Kimmel in her quest to find the Hidden Immunity Idol (which she found buried under the tribal flag) and together, they voted off possible jury threat Alexis.
Shallow made it all the way to the final three with Fields and Kimmel (as promised) However, she was shocked to learn that only two of them would face the jury. She was eliminated first at the Final Immunity Challenge but was chosen to be in the Final Two by Kimmel. At the Final Tribal Council, Shallow convinced the jury to vote for her because of her aggressive game play compared to her previous season. Despite being accused of being a mean person by Eliza Orlins and a backstabber (by Ozzy Lusth), the jury decided to award Shallow the title of Sole Survivor with a vote of 5–3 against Kimmel.
. Her tribe won the first two immunity challenges, but they lost the third on Day 8. Parvati was immediately targeted for being a huge social and strategic threat, and also for having a possible alliance with three of the heroes (James, Cirie and Amanda). She was spared, however, to get rid of the weaker link, Randy Bailey.
The Villains then continued their challenge dominance, winning 4 challenges in a row, two being reward and two being immunity. During this, one of Parvati's allies, Russell, found a hidden immunity idol, causing Boston Rob's alliance of Tyson, Courtney, Jerri, Sandra and Coach to target them. On Day 15, both tribes were to be sent to tribal council with one person from each tribe winning immunity. Parvati knew she needed immunity, but failed to get it (Boston Rob won it). The majority alliance would split their votes with Sandra Diaz-Twine
, Rob Mariano
, and Tyson Apostol voting for Hantz and Jerri Manthey
, Benjamin "Coach" Wade, and Courtney Yates
voting for Shallow. If one of them played the Hidden Immunity Idol, a revote would occur and the alliance would vote for whoever was left among the two. Russell knew that Rob's alliance would split the voted between him and Parvati, so he tricked Tyson to switch his vote to Parvati. At tribal council, Russell gave his idol to Parvati, negating her four votes and blindsiding Tyson with votes and Russell getting two.
On Day 18, the villains lost immunity, and the Parvati, Russell and Danielle alliance were still struggling to gain control of the game. They finally gained control when they persuaded Jerri to switch sides and vote out Russell's rival, Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano. The Heroes were beginning to think that the villain’s side was being run by an all female alliance, led by Parvati. When the villains lost immunity again do Day 21, they decided to vote Coach out to further confirm the Heroes belief of that. Coach became the first jury member. On Day 22, the villains won a reward challenge where they got to go to outback steakhouse. There, Parvati found a clue to the hidden immunity idol and showed it to Danielle, to get her to trust her more than their other ally, Russell. The next day, Parvati and Danielle both found the idol together. They decided not to tell Russell, to keep him out of the loop for awhile. On Day 24, the villains lost immunity again and James "J.T" Thomas Jr.
gave his idol to Russell, in hopes that he would use it to vote out Parvati. Russell, however, showed it to Parvati, along with Danielle and Jerri, and began to laugh about it. They then discussed on weather to get rid of Sandra or Courtney. Parvati wanted to get rid of Sandra, trusting Courtney more, but ended up voting with the rest of the villains to vote Courtney out.
On day 25, the Heroes and Villains merged into Yin Yang and went to the Heroes camp. The heroes were surprised to see Parvati still in the game. Parvati and Russell came up with this story that they both played their idol, negating all votes and that in the revote they voted out Courtney. The new tribe quickly alienated Parvati, making Parvati swear to get revenge on all of the heroes. For the immunity challenge on Day 27, Parvati and Danielle were the last two remaining. Parvati decided to give it to Danielle, because Parvati already had the idol. Before tribal council, Russell gave Parvati his idol, making Parvati the most dangerous player in the game with two idols. Parvati went and then talked to Amanda, to see if she could trust her. Amanda told Parvati to play the idol for herself. Parvati didn't believe her, and at tribal council, she made the biggest move of the game, by playing both idols. One of them went to Sandra and the other to Jerri. All of the hero’s votes against Jerri did not count and JT was sent home in a 5-0 vote.
Russell was furious with Parvati for keeping her idol a secret from him. The heroes began to work on flipping Sandra to their side, to get rid of Russell. After Jerri won immunity, the heroes switched their target to Parvati in case Russell played a hidden immunity idol. However, the villains had already flipped Candice to their side but their plan failed, with Amanda begin sent to the Jury in a 6-3 vote. Parvati won immunity on day 31, and then Candice was voted out in a 5-3 vote. On day 33, Russell won immunity, and decided to turn on his alliance. He tried to pit Parvati and Danielle against each other, but failed. Russell then aligned with the heroes to vote Danielle out, and with a little help from Jerri, Danielle was voted out in a 4-3 vote. On day 34, the final six were visited by their loved ones. Jerri won immunity and chose to bring Parvati and Sandra with her. Russell then aligned with the heroes and decided to target Parvati. However, his plan was ruined when she won immunity on day 36. They then voted Rupert out in a 4-0 vote (Sandra played her idol, negating two votes). Parvati then won her third challenge on Day 37, and they voted the last hero, Colby, out of the game in a 4-1 vote. After Parvati failed to win the final immunity challenge, it seemed that she would be voted out, since everyone wanted her gone. Parvati wanted to get rid of Sandra, thinking she would get a lot of votes in the end. However, they voted out Jerri Manthey in a 3-1 vote, because Russell believed he would get her vote on the jury.
At the final tribal council, Parvati started with her opening statement by saying that she came into the game not knowing of the threat that she was to everyone. She said she put a line of defense together and that's where Russell came in. She said that Russell was the dragon and instead of slaying him, she kept him, as her pet. She ended her opening statement by saying that she felt that she played the ultimate strategic game, physical game, and social game. Colby asked Parvati what strategic plays she made beyond challenges and what makes her more impressive than either Russell or Sandra. Parvati argued that she was the target throughout the entire game, pointing out that everyone on the jury wanted her out and that JT wrote it in his letter. She continued by saying that she felt she needed to make bolder moves than the other two and that the riskiest move she made was when she had two idols and Amanda told her she needed to play it for herself. She gave them to Jerri and Sandra to ensure their loyalty to her for the rest of the game. Coach was next and called Parvati the charmer and manipulator of the three sitting beside her. He then went on to say that he was wrong about Parvati, saying that he thought she was going to be weak in the challenges. He said that she was, however, a "warrior" in them. He then said that the "ironic twist of fate" was that the day he finally trusted her, was the day that she blindsided him.
Amanda did not ask Parvarti any questions. Courtney started her statement by congratulating all three of the final villains. Courtney said that Parvati played a great game and was "athletic as hell". JT asked Parvati how well she thought she did in the game. Parvati said that the biggest difference in her and Sandra's game was that Sandra didn't need to work as hard in challenges, because post-merge Sandra wasn't a threat. She said that she had to work in challenges because she was always the threat. Danielle congratulated Parvati, but said nothing else. Jerri asked Parvati what happened the night she was voted out. Parvati responded by telling her that Russell wanted her on the jury because 100% he knew that he was getting her vote. Candice was next and told Parvati that she played this game "under Russell's thumb." Then she went on to compare it that she was like a "spouse in a bad abusive relationship" and that she wanted her to get out of it. She went on to say that she likes Parvati, but can't support that. Rupert was next and referred to Parvati as a "very strong player." He also stated that he was very disappointed that she aligned with Russell. Parvati then went on to say that she didn't have a choice and that by the first day, seven people on her tribe wanted her out. Rupert then went on to say that Parvati and Sandra both deserved the vote because Parvati worked to get here. He also stated that she fought in the challenges and deserved to be in the final three.
In the end, Parvati came in second, gaining the jury votes of Coach, Danielle and Jerri. She beat Russell Hantz, who received no votes, and was beat by Sandra Diaz-Twine, who got the votes of all heroes, plus Courtney. At the reunion, it was revealed that Parvati had played more days than anyone else in survivor history, with 114 days in three seasons, a record that was surpassed in 2011 by "Boston" Rob Mariano, who played a total of 117 days in four seasons.
Survivor: Micronesia
Survivor: Micronesia — Fans vs. Favorites is the sixteenth season of the American CBS competitive reality television series Survivor, being the show's third to include contestants from past seasons, after the all-returning contestant pool from Survivor: All-Stars, and Survivor: Guatemala in which...
after receiving votes from Eliza Orlins, Jason Siska, Alexis Jones, Natalie Bolton, and Cirie Fields
Cirie Fields
Cirie Fields is a married mother of three children and a repeat contestant on CBS's Survivor television series. Fields has appeared in three seasons, Survivor: Panama, Survivor: Micronesia, and Survivor: Heroes vs...
. She had previously competed in Survivor: Cook Islands
Survivor: Cook Islands
Survivor: Cook Islands is the thirteenth season of the American CBS competitive reality television series Survivor, having premiered on September 14, 2006...
where she placed sixth, and later was the runner-up in Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains. As of July 5, 2011, Parvati stars in CBS's Around the World For Free
Around the World for Free
Around The World For Free aka ATWFF is an online/broadcast hybrid reality series based on the concept of whether a person can circle the globe without any money. The show follows a reality star, as they attempt to travel around the world without any money on hand...
Shallow grew up the eldest of three siblings on a communeCommune
Commune may refer to:In society:* Commune, a human community in which resources are shared* Commune , a township or municipality* One of the Communes of France* An Italian Comune...
in Vero Beach, Florida. She and her family moved to Atlanta when she was 11 years old. Shallow put herself through college
A college is an educational institution or a constituent part of an educational institution. Usage varies in English-speaking nations...
, attending the University of Georgia
University of Georgia
The University of Georgia is a public research university located in Athens, Georgia, United States. Founded in 1785, it is the oldest and largest of the state's institutions of higher learning and is one of multiple schools to claim the title of the oldest public university in the United States...
where she received her Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
A Bachelor of Arts , from the Latin artium baccalaureus, is a bachelor's degree awarded for an undergraduate course or program in either the liberal arts, the sciences, or both...
degree in journalism
Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience in a timely fashion. Though there are many variations of journalism, the ideal is to inform the intended audience. Along with covering organizations and institutions such as government and...
with minors in French
French language
French is a Romance language spoken as a first language in France, the Romandy region in Switzerland, Wallonia and Brussels in Belgium, Monaco, the regions of Quebec and Acadia in Canada, and by various communities elsewhere. Second-language speakers of French are distributed throughout many parts...
and Italian
Italian language
Italian is a Romance language spoken mainly in Europe: Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, by minorities in Malta, Monaco, Croatia, Slovenia, France, Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia, and by immigrant communities in the Americas and Australia...
. While in college, she was an active member of the Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community. ΑΟΠ was founded on January 2, 1897 at Barnard College on the campus...
Shallow began competing in boxing in 2004. She and some fellow boxers created a non-profit organization titled "Knockouts for Girls", a charity that provides scholarship
A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further education. Scholarships are awarded on various criteria usually reflecting the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award.-Types:...
s and boxing
Boxing, also called pugilism, is a combat sport in which two people fight each other using their fists. Boxing is supervised by a referee over a series of between one to three minute intervals called rounds...
lessons for underprivileged girls. She completed the Nautica Malibu Sprint Triathlon and is scheduled to compete in the Wildflower Olympic Distance Triathlon at Lake San Antonio, CA
In 2009, Shallow and fellow Survivor contestant Amanda Kimmel
Amanda Kimmel
Amanda Lee Kimmel is an actress, model and former beauty queen who has competed in the Miss USA and Miss Earth pageants. Kimmel gained international notoriety as a runner-up contestant on both Survivor: China and Survivor: Micronesia. She also competed on Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains...
appeared in the movie Into the Blue 2
Into the Blue 2
Into The Blue 2: The Reef is an American film and a sequel to the 2005 film Into the Blue. It was directed by Stephen Herek and had a DVD release on April 21, 2009...
(as Herself). In 2010, Shallow was the host on a CBS Survivor preview segment for the 21st season, Survivor: Nicaragua
Survivor: Nicaragua
Survivor: Nicaragua is the 21st season of the American CBS competitive reality television series Survivor. It premiered on September 15, 2010 at 8:00pm, moving to the Wednesday timeslot for the first time since Survivor: Borneo....
Shallow is the new host of the webseries Around the World For Free
Around the World for Free
Around The World For Free aka ATWFF is an online/broadcast hybrid reality series based on the concept of whether a person can circle the globe without any money. The show follows a reality star, as they attempt to travel around the world without any money on hand...
, which began airing on July 5, 2011.
Shallow originally auditioned for The Amazing Race along with her friend. They did not make the final cut. CBSCBS
CBS Broadcasting Inc. is a major US commercial broadcasting television network, which started as a radio network. The name is derived from the initials of the network's former name, Columbia Broadcasting System. The network is sometimes referred to as the "Eye Network" in reference to the shape of...
producers, however, remembered her from her auditions and then approached her to take part in Survivor, which she accepted.http://movies.msn.com/celebrities/celebrity-photos/parvati-shallow/?gallery=22440&photo=28db772d-c909-4814-b318-ea88bc3eb240
Cook Islands
Shallow originally appeared as part of the Rarotonga tribe along with Adam Gentry, Jonathan PennerJonathan Penner
Jonathan Lindsay Penner is an American actor, writer and film producer known for starring in The Last Supper and the television series Rude Awakening and The Naked Truth, as well as for appearing on the television show Survivor.-Life and career:Penner was born in New York City...
, Jessica "Flica" Smith, and Candice Woodcock
Candice Woodcock
Candice Woodcock Cody is an American doctor and is best known for being on the reality television show Survivor.-Biography:...
. Her tribe did not face any danger for the first six days as they had immunity. When the four tribes were merged into two, Shallow and Gentry remained in Rarotonga while their other tribemates were sent to Aitutaki. Shallow survived her tribe's next three Tribal Councils as John Paul "J.P." Calderon, Stephannie Favor, and Cristina Coria were voted off. When the contestants were down to 12, a 'Mutiny' twist was presented where anybody could change tribe affiliations, and for the first time it was accepted. Shallow's former tribemates Penner and Woodcock decided to jump back to Rarotonga, thus having all remaining Caucasian
Caucasian race
The term Caucasian race has been used to denote the general physical type of some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia , Central Asia and South Asia...
contestants on the same tribe. Rarotonga lost the next two Immunity challenges and Shallow remained loyal to her "White Alliance" by eliminating Brad Virata, Rebecca Borman, and Jenny Guzon-Bae.
At the merge, despite coming with a 5–4 member advantage over Aitutaki, Shallow found herself at the minority as Penner betrayed his former tribemates and joined the Aitu 4 in voting out Nathan "Nate" Gonzales. After alliance member Candice was eliminated, Shallow and Gentry found themselves fighting for survival. They talked to Yul Kwon
Yul Kwon
Yul Kwon is a television host and former government official, lawyer, and management consultant based in Virginia. He first gained national recognition as the winner of the reality TV show Survivor: Cook Islands...
about voting out Penner (who betrayed their alliance) first in exchange for their jury votes, a plan which succeeded. On day 36, Shallow was finally voted out in a 4–2 vote when the Aitu 4 saw her craftiness as more of a threat than Gentry's physical strength. As a juror, she cast her vote for runner up Ozzy Lusth.
Shallow returned as a "Favorite" and part of the Malakal tribe. She formed a close bond with James Clement and the two formed an alliance with another couple consisting of Amanda and Ozzy LusthOzzy Lusth
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth is a reality show contestant who first appeared on Survivor: Cook Islands. He finished as the 1st runner-up in a 5–4–0 vote to Yul Kwon. Lusth later competed in Survivor: Micronesia as one of the returning favorites...
. After their tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, they tried swinging Jon Dalton
Jon Dalton
John Dalton, also known as Jonny Fairplay , is a reality TV participant and former art consultant from Danville, Virginia. He came in third place as a competitor on the reality TV show Survivor: Pearl Islands...
over to their side to gain a majority over the alliance of Yau-Man Chan
Yau-Man Chan
Yau-Man Chan was the fourth place finisher in the reality television series Survivor: Fiji. He returned to the show in Survivor: Micronesia, where he was the third contestant to be ousted...
, Ami Cusack
Ami Cusack
Ami Cusack was a contestant on Survivor: Vanuatu and Survivor: Micronesia. She is the former Charitable Director of Experimental and Applied Sciences . Cusack is a model/barista who posed for Playboy magazine in 1996....
, Eliza Orlins, and Jonathan Penner
Jonathan Penner
Jonathan Lindsay Penner is an American actor, writer and film producer known for starring in The Last Supper and the television series Rude Awakening and The Naked Truth, as well as for appearing on the television show Survivor.-Life and career:Penner was born in New York City...
. However, Dalton was voted out instead as he was deemed as untrustworthy. Shallow then made a pact with Cirie Fields
Cirie Fields
Cirie Fields is a married mother of three children and a repeat contestant on CBS's Survivor television series. Fields has appeared in three seasons, Survivor: Panama, Survivor: Micronesia, and Survivor: Heroes vs...
to go all the way to the final three with Kimmel. After losing the 3rd Immunity Challenge, Shallow was targeted by the opposing alliance but her alliance (now with Cirie) succeeded in voting off strategic threat Chan.
At the tribal switch, Shallow and Clement were separated from their alliance as they moved to Airai. However, she remained safe as her tribe won the remaining tribal Immunity Challenges. On day 20, she made a deal with Natalie Bolton to an alliance with Clement and Alexis Jones plus a final four deal with Jones and Kimmel, both of which Bolton accepted.
At the merge, Shallow found herself in a good position as she was allied with six (Jones, Kimmel, Fields, Bolton, Lusth, Clement) of the 9 people left. During the 10th Immunity Challenge, Shallow convinced Jason Siska to step down from the challenge so that she could win Immunity, which worked (under the condition that the tribe would not vote for Siska). However, Shallow's "Couples Alliance" decided to turn back on what they said and vote off Siska. Fields saw this as an opportunity to blindside physical threat Lusth and needed Shallow for it to work, which she agreed to. She recruited her Airai female allies Bolton and Jones to the plan, and Lusth was voted off 5–4. After Lusth was voted off, Shallow found herself in a failed attempt to patch things up with Clement and Kimmel (who kept her distrust to herself). The five remaining women then formed an alliance to vote off the men, starting with Siska. However, when Clement was evacuated and Erik Reichenbach won Immunity, they were forced to vote off one of their own. Kimmel was the intended target, a plan which Shallow did not want to be part of. She then helped Kimmel in her quest to find the Hidden Immunity Idol (which she found buried under the tribal flag) and together, they voted off possible jury threat Alexis.
Shallow made it all the way to the final three with Fields and Kimmel (as promised) However, she was shocked to learn that only two of them would face the jury. She was eliminated first at the Final Immunity Challenge but was chosen to be in the Final Two by Kimmel. At the Final Tribal Council, Shallow convinced the jury to vote for her because of her aggressive game play compared to her previous season. Despite being accused of being a mean person by Eliza Orlins and a backstabber (by Ozzy Lusth), the jury decided to award Shallow the title of Sole Survivor with a vote of 5–3 against Kimmel.
Heroes vs. Villains
Parvati returned to play Survivor for a third time as a part of the villain’s tribe. She quickly accepted an alliance with Russell Hantz and Danielle DiLorenzoDanielle DiLorenzo
Danielle DiLorenzo is a medical sales professional and became part of the reality television show Survivor: Panama, finishing as runner up. She returned to Survivor to compete on the 20th season: Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains as part of the Villains tribe, and finished in 7th place.-Early...
. Her tribe won the first two immunity challenges, but they lost the third on Day 8. Parvati was immediately targeted for being a huge social and strategic threat, and also for having a possible alliance with three of the heroes (James, Cirie and Amanda). She was spared, however, to get rid of the weaker link, Randy Bailey.
The Villains then continued their challenge dominance, winning 4 challenges in a row, two being reward and two being immunity. During this, one of Parvati's allies, Russell, found a hidden immunity idol, causing Boston Rob's alliance of Tyson, Courtney, Jerri, Sandra and Coach to target them. On Day 15, both tribes were to be sent to tribal council with one person from each tribe winning immunity. Parvati knew she needed immunity, but failed to get it (Boston Rob won it). The majority alliance would split their votes with Sandra Diaz-Twine
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Sandra Diaz-Twine is the $1,000,000 winner of the seventh season of Survivor, Survivor: Pearl Islands and the winner of the 20th season in Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains; she is the show's only two-time winner...
, Rob Mariano
Rob Mariano
Robert Carlo "Boston Rob" Mariano is an American television personality, widely known for appearing in several reality shows, including Survivor, and The Amazing Race with his wife, Amber Brkich Mariano. Mariano won Survivor: Redemption Island and the $1,000,000 prize after competing on the show...
, and Tyson Apostol voting for Hantz and Jerri Manthey
Jerri Manthey
Jerri Lynn Manthey is an American actress who is best known for her appearances on reality television.- Early life :Jerri Manthey was born in Stuttgart, Germany and attended both high school and college in Germany. Manthey's father, Cyril, was a career member of the United States Army and served...
, Benjamin "Coach" Wade, and Courtney Yates
Courtney Yates
Courtney Yates is a waitress who became part of the reality television show Survivor: China in 2007, finishing second to winner Todd Herzog. In 2010, Yates returned to the series for all-star edition Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains...
voting for Shallow. If one of them played the Hidden Immunity Idol, a revote would occur and the alliance would vote for whoever was left among the two. Russell knew that Rob's alliance would split the voted between him and Parvati, so he tricked Tyson to switch his vote to Parvati. At tribal council, Russell gave his idol to Parvati, negating her four votes and blindsiding Tyson with votes and Russell getting two.
On Day 18, the villains lost immunity, and the Parvati, Russell and Danielle alliance were still struggling to gain control of the game. They finally gained control when they persuaded Jerri to switch sides and vote out Russell's rival, Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano. The Heroes were beginning to think that the villain’s side was being run by an all female alliance, led by Parvati. When the villains lost immunity again do Day 21, they decided to vote Coach out to further confirm the Heroes belief of that. Coach became the first jury member. On Day 22, the villains won a reward challenge where they got to go to outback steakhouse. There, Parvati found a clue to the hidden immunity idol and showed it to Danielle, to get her to trust her more than their other ally, Russell. The next day, Parvati and Danielle both found the idol together. They decided not to tell Russell, to keep him out of the loop for awhile. On Day 24, the villains lost immunity again and James "J.T" Thomas Jr.
James Thomas, Jr.
James "J. T." Thomas, Jr. is the US$1,000,000 winner of the American television show Survivor: Tocantins.-Early life:Thomas was raised in Samson, Alabama and he currently resides in Mobile, Alabama...
gave his idol to Russell, in hopes that he would use it to vote out Parvati. Russell, however, showed it to Parvati, along with Danielle and Jerri, and began to laugh about it. They then discussed on weather to get rid of Sandra or Courtney. Parvati wanted to get rid of Sandra, trusting Courtney more, but ended up voting with the rest of the villains to vote Courtney out.
On day 25, the Heroes and Villains merged into Yin Yang and went to the Heroes camp. The heroes were surprised to see Parvati still in the game. Parvati and Russell came up with this story that they both played their idol, negating all votes and that in the revote they voted out Courtney. The new tribe quickly alienated Parvati, making Parvati swear to get revenge on all of the heroes. For the immunity challenge on Day 27, Parvati and Danielle were the last two remaining. Parvati decided to give it to Danielle, because Parvati already had the idol. Before tribal council, Russell gave Parvati his idol, making Parvati the most dangerous player in the game with two idols. Parvati went and then talked to Amanda, to see if she could trust her. Amanda told Parvati to play the idol for herself. Parvati didn't believe her, and at tribal council, she made the biggest move of the game, by playing both idols. One of them went to Sandra and the other to Jerri. All of the hero’s votes against Jerri did not count and JT was sent home in a 5-0 vote.
Russell was furious with Parvati for keeping her idol a secret from him. The heroes began to work on flipping Sandra to their side, to get rid of Russell. After Jerri won immunity, the heroes switched their target to Parvati in case Russell played a hidden immunity idol. However, the villains had already flipped Candice to their side but their plan failed, with Amanda begin sent to the Jury in a 6-3 vote. Parvati won immunity on day 31, and then Candice was voted out in a 5-3 vote. On day 33, Russell won immunity, and decided to turn on his alliance. He tried to pit Parvati and Danielle against each other, but failed. Russell then aligned with the heroes to vote Danielle out, and with a little help from Jerri, Danielle was voted out in a 4-3 vote. On day 34, the final six were visited by their loved ones. Jerri won immunity and chose to bring Parvati and Sandra with her. Russell then aligned with the heroes and decided to target Parvati. However, his plan was ruined when she won immunity on day 36. They then voted Rupert out in a 4-0 vote (Sandra played her idol, negating two votes). Parvati then won her third challenge on Day 37, and they voted the last hero, Colby, out of the game in a 4-1 vote. After Parvati failed to win the final immunity challenge, it seemed that she would be voted out, since everyone wanted her gone. Parvati wanted to get rid of Sandra, thinking she would get a lot of votes in the end. However, they voted out Jerri Manthey in a 3-1 vote, because Russell believed he would get her vote on the jury.
At the final tribal council, Parvati started with her opening statement by saying that she came into the game not knowing of the threat that she was to everyone. She said she put a line of defense together and that's where Russell came in. She said that Russell was the dragon and instead of slaying him, she kept him, as her pet. She ended her opening statement by saying that she felt that she played the ultimate strategic game, physical game, and social game. Colby asked Parvati what strategic plays she made beyond challenges and what makes her more impressive than either Russell or Sandra. Parvati argued that she was the target throughout the entire game, pointing out that everyone on the jury wanted her out and that JT wrote it in his letter. She continued by saying that she felt she needed to make bolder moves than the other two and that the riskiest move she made was when she had two idols and Amanda told her she needed to play it for herself. She gave them to Jerri and Sandra to ensure their loyalty to her for the rest of the game. Coach was next and called Parvati the charmer and manipulator of the three sitting beside her. He then went on to say that he was wrong about Parvati, saying that he thought she was going to be weak in the challenges. He said that she was, however, a "warrior" in them. He then said that the "ironic twist of fate" was that the day he finally trusted her, was the day that she blindsided him.
Amanda did not ask Parvarti any questions. Courtney started her statement by congratulating all three of the final villains. Courtney said that Parvati played a great game and was "athletic as hell". JT asked Parvati how well she thought she did in the game. Parvati said that the biggest difference in her and Sandra's game was that Sandra didn't need to work as hard in challenges, because post-merge Sandra wasn't a threat. She said that she had to work in challenges because she was always the threat. Danielle congratulated Parvati, but said nothing else. Jerri asked Parvati what happened the night she was voted out. Parvati responded by telling her that Russell wanted her on the jury because 100% he knew that he was getting her vote. Candice was next and told Parvati that she played this game "under Russell's thumb." Then she went on to compare it that she was like a "spouse in a bad abusive relationship" and that she wanted her to get out of it. She went on to say that she likes Parvati, but can't support that. Rupert was next and referred to Parvati as a "very strong player." He also stated that he was very disappointed that she aligned with Russell. Parvati then went on to say that she didn't have a choice and that by the first day, seven people on her tribe wanted her out. Rupert then went on to say that Parvati and Sandra both deserved the vote because Parvati worked to get here. He also stated that she fought in the challenges and deserved to be in the final three.
In the end, Parvati came in second, gaining the jury votes of Coach, Danielle and Jerri. She beat Russell Hantz, who received no votes, and was beat by Sandra Diaz-Twine, who got the votes of all heroes, plus Courtney. At the reunion, it was revealed that Parvati had played more days than anyone else in survivor history, with 114 days in three seasons, a record that was surpassed in 2011 by "Boston" Rob Mariano, who played a total of 117 days in four seasons.
External links
- Parvati Shallow bio for Survivor: Cook IslandsSurvivor: Cook IslandsSurvivor: Cook Islands is the thirteenth season of the American CBS competitive reality television series Survivor, having premiered on September 14, 2006...
at CBS.com - Parvati Shallow bio for Survivor: MicronesiaSurvivor: MicronesiaSurvivor: Micronesia — Fans vs. Favorites is the sixteenth season of the American CBS competitive reality television series Survivor, being the show's third to include contestants from past seasons, after the all-returning contestant pool from Survivor: All-Stars, and Survivor: Guatemala in which...
at CBS.com