Party of Internet Democracy
The party of Internet DEmocracy (Hungarian: Internetes DEmokrácia pártja. Abbreviated IDE) was a Hungarian
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

 political party
Political party
A political party is a political organization that typically seeks to influence government policy, usually by nominating their own candidates and trying to seat them in political office. Parties participate in electoral campaigns, educational outreach or protest actions...

, which was established at 23 July 2004 in Gyöngyös
Gyöngyös is a city in Heves county in Hungary, east of Budapest. Situated at the foot of the Sár-hegy and Mátra mountains, it is the home of numerous food production plants, including milk production and sausage factories...


Aims of IDE

IDE aims to complement the existing representative democratic political system with direct democracy. In particular, this means direct democracy application to the indirectly democratic won seats in that citizens' constant and directly monitor and control the delegates. IDE aims to enrich with direct democracy without revolution or change of fundamental
Fundamental may refer to:* Foundation of reality* Fundamental frequency, as in music or phonetics, often referred to as simply a "fundamental"...

 political system.

IDE plans the on-going relay of the discussion in parliament, and to empower citizens to vote online about the topics discussed. The delegates have to reflect the directly democratic resolution of the citizens.

The mechanism of IDE

IDE want to implement direct democracy by citizens' control over the delegates chosen to represent them in parliament by the party within the framework of the existing political system of indirect democracy. The delegates in parliament representing the party:
  • 1. will be chosen by lottery from those applying to serve as delegates of the party.
  • 2. those who win the lottery will serve as representatives on a rotating basis such that each will fill the seat for a month in case of the European Parliament, and or two months in case of the national government. In the European Parliament, where delegates are categorized by their party, IDE will be categorized as independent.
  • 3. will reflect the citizens' resolution when they vote in the parliament by voting in parliament according to the citizens' decisions on IDE's homepage.

Differences of opinion within IDE will be reflected in the positions taken in parliament by IDE delegates. For example, if a pending bill is supported by 60% of IDE member and is opposed by 40% and IDE has 10 seats in parliament, then six delegates would support and four would oppose the bill.

The relation of IDE and the other parties

Since IDE doesn’t have its own political measures, as a matter of course doesn’t make coalition with other parties. However, to support a political party through IDE is naturally practicable for the citizens.

Exterminal links

See also

  • Direct democracy
    Direct democracy
    Direct democracy is a form of government in which people vote on policy initiatives directly, as opposed to a representative democracy in which people vote for representatives who then vote on policy initiatives. Direct democracy is classically termed "pure democracy"...

  • Indirect democracy

  • E-democracy
    E-democracy refers to the use of information technologies and communication technologies and strategies in political and governance processes...

  • Electronic voting
    Electronic voting
    Electronic voting is a term encompassing several different types of voting, embracing both electronic means of casting a vote and electronic means of counting votes....

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