Parti Parikatha
Parti Parikatha is a Hindi novel written by Phanishwar Nath Renu. The story revolves around a motley group of characters in a remote village of North Eastern Bihar in the backdrop of Zamindari (landlordism) Abolition movement. Along with Maila Anchal
Maila Anchal
Maila Aanchal is a 1954 Hindi novel written by Phanishwar Nath Renu. After Premchand's Godan, 'Maila Anchal' is regarded as the most significant Hindi novel in the Hindi literary tradition...

, it is considered Phanishwar Nath Renu's, finest work with a strong sense rural ethos reflected in the language and the idiom used the text, most noticeable for its use of visual language, like its opening line -

Meelon tak faili banjar ret, jaise qafan odhe hui dharti
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