Parkinson Peak
Parkinson Peak is a pyramidal peak
Summit (topography)
In topography, a summit is a point on a surface that is higher in elevation than all points immediately adjacent to it. Mathematically, a summit is a local maximum in elevation...

 (690 m) near the coast in the north-central Wilson Hills
Wilson Hills
Wilson Hills is a group of scattered hills, nunataks and ridges that extend NW-SE for about between Matusevich Glacier and Pryor Glacier in Antarctica. They were discovered by Lieutenant Harry Pennell, Royal Navy, on the Terra Nova Expedition in February 1911 during Robert Falcon Scott's last...

. It surmounts the north extremity of the ridge complex that is the divide between Tomilin and Noll Glaciers. Visited in March 1961 by an airborne field party from the ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
The Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions is the historical name for the Australian Antarctic Program administered for Australia by the Australian Antarctic Division .-The ANARE Name:...

) (Magga Dan, 1961) led by Phillip Law
Phillip Law
Phillip Garth Law AC, CBE, FAA was an Australian scientist and explorer who served as director of Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions from 1949 to 1966.-Early life:...

. Named for W.D. Parkinson, geophysicist with the expedition.
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