Parastagmatoptera is a genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...

 consisting of 15 species of mantis
Mantis is the common name of any insect in the order Mantodea, also commonly known as praying mantises. The word itself means "prophet" in Latin and Greek...

es in the subfamily Stagmatopterinae
Stagmatopterinae is a subfamily of the Mantidae, a family of insects within the order of mantises . The Stagmatopterinae subfamily consists of 7 genera, and 50 species.-Genera:*Catoxyopsis**Catoxyopsis dubiosa*Lobocneme...



  • Parastagmatoptera amazonica
  • Parastagmatoptera concolor
  • Parastagmatoptera confusa
  • Parastagmatoptera flavoguttata
  • Parastagmatoptera glauca
  • Parastagmatoptera hoorie
  • Parastagmatoptera immaculata
  • Parastagmatoptera pellucida
  • Parastagmatoptera serricornis
  • Parastagmatoptera simulacrum
  • Parastagmatoptera tessellata
  • Parastagmatoptera unipunctata
  • Parastagmatoptera vitreola
  • Parastagmatoptera vitrepennis
  • Parastagmatoptera zernyi

Only one specimen of P. abnormis has ever been collected—a single male specimen collected in Suriname
Suriname , officially the Republic of Suriname , is a country in northern South America. It borders French Guiana to the east, Guyana to the west, Brazil to the south, and on the north by the Atlantic Ocean. Suriname was a former colony of the British and of the Dutch, and was previously known as...

 by Max Beier
Max Beier
Max Beier was an Austrian arachnologist and entomologist. He was a specialist in pseudoscorpions.-References:...

 in 1963. A study published in 2011 strongly suggests that P. abnormis is actually a specimen of P. flavoguttata which demonstrates abnormal morphology due to infection by a horsehair worm (Nematomorpha
Nematomorpha is a phylum of parasitic animals that are superficially morphologically similar to nematode worms, hence the name. They range in size in most species from long and can reach in extreme cases up to 2 metres, and in diameter...

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