Pandey aur Pandey
Pandey Aur Pandey is an Indian "Bollywood
Bollywood is the informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai , Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only a part of the total Indian film industry, which includes other production centers producing...

 music" countdown show with a theme of a sitcom on Zee TV
Zee TV
Zee TV is an India-based satellite television channel owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, which broadcasts various programmes in Hindi and other regional languages of India. Broadcasting is also present in various nations of South Asia, Europe, the Middle East,...

, first broadcast in December 2006. It features the well known couple, Tribhuvandas and Nilambaridevi Pandey from Zee TV's popular serial, Kareena Kareena
Kareena Kareena
Kareena Kareena was a Zee TV comedy serial that aired from September 1, 2004 to 17 October 2005. To boost the show's popularity, numerous celebrities have also made appearances on the show such as Amol Palekar, Abhishek Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, and Rajeev Khandelwal.-Cast:*Kulraj...



  • Sudhir Pandey ... Tribhuvandas Pandey
  • Vandana Gupte
    Vandana Gupte
    Vandana Gupte is an eminent Marathi stage actress who has also performed memorable television and film roles.Her most well-known TV role was as the domineering Nilambari Pandey in Zee TV's comedy serial Kareena Kareena....

     ... Nilambaridevi Pandey
  • Atul Srivastava
    Atul Srivastava
    Atul Srivastava is a comedian who has played minor roles in both movies and television shows. He is most popularly remembered for the role of P.K. Shrivatsav in Kareena Kareena...

    ... P.K. Shrivastav

External links

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