Panay Monitor Lizard
The Panay Monitor Lizard (Varanus mabitang) is an endangered monitor lizard
Monitor lizard
Monitor lizards are usually large reptiles, although some can be as small as in length. They have long necks, powerful tails and claws, and well-developed limbs. Most species are terrestrial, but arboreal and semiaquatic monitors are also known...

 native to Panay Island in the Philippines. This frugivore
A frugivore is a fruit eater. It can be any type of herbivore or omnivore where fruit is a preferred food type. Because approximately 20% of all mammalian herbivores also eat fruit, frugivory is considered to be common among mammals. Since frugivores eat a lot of fruit they are highly dependent...

 lives in the large trees in tropical moist forests, and is threatened both by the destruction of its habitat through deforestation
Deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a nonforest use. Examples of deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or urban use....

 and overhunting. It is listed on the UICN's Red List of endangered species.
The Panay Monitor is darker in coloration compared to Varanus bitatawa
Varanus bitatawa
Varanus bitatawa, known by the common name northern Sierra Madre Forest monitor lizard, is a large, arboreal, frugivorous lizard of the genus Varanus. The lizard is eaten by the Aeta and Ilongot indigenous people of the Philippines, who call it Butikaw.-Physical description:The forest monitor...

and Gray's Monitor
Gray's monitor
Gray's monitor is a large monitor lizard known only from lowland dipterocarp forest in the east of Luzon and a few smaller adjacent islands in the Philippines such as Polillo Island, where it is locally known as the butaan. It belongs to the subgenus Philippinosaurus. It is largely arboreal and...

both of whom are of lighter coloration.
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