Pakistan Public Service Commission
The Punjab Public Service Commission is a government agency responsible for hiring and administering the provincial civil services and management services in Punjab Province, it was designated as autonomous agency to advise the federal government.
1926. After independence, the Commission was established in Pakistan in 1947
under the provision of Government of India Act, 1935. At present, the
commission is functioning under article 242of the constitution of Islamic Republic
of Pakistan. It has been provided autonomy under the Rules of Business, 1973
and FPSC Regulations, 1978 in its working. The Commission has also been
given administrative as well as, to some extent, financial autonomy to perform its
functions independently.
The Commission consists of a Chairman and Members. The Chairman is
appointed by the President of Islamic republic of Pakistan, in his discretion,
under Article 242 (IA) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.
The members are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
of Pakistan. The Commission is assisted by the Secretary who provides a link
among the Commission, its Secretariat and the Government Agencies.
The term of the office of members is as follow:
1) A Member of the Commission shall hold office for a fixed term from the date
on which he enters upon office and shall not be eligible for re-appointment.
2) A Member may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the
The Commission may work without the interference of the Government or any
other pressure, as Member of the Commission cannot be removed from his
office without the advice of the Supreme Judicial Council of Pakistan, which
consists of ;
i) Chief Justice Of Pakistan
ii) Two next most senior Judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
iii) Two senior most Chief Justice of High court, (Section 6 of FPSC Ordinance,
1977 & article 209 of the Constitution).
In view of above protection a Member of the Commission can, therefore, work
without any pressure.
The Commission consists of a Chairman and the Members. The Chairman is
appointed by the President of Islamic republic of Pakistan, in his discretion,
under Article 242 (IA) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.
The members are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
of Pakistan. The Commission is assisted by the Secretary who provides a link
among the Commission, its Secretariat and the Government Agencies.
The Public Service Commission was set up for the first time in British India in1926. After independence, the Commission was established in Pakistan in 1947
under the provision of Government of India Act, 1935. At present, the
commission is functioning under article 242of the constitution of Islamic Republic
of Pakistan. It has been provided autonomy under the Rules of Business, 1973
and FPSC Regulations, 1978 in its working. The Commission has also been
given administrative as well as, to some extent, financial autonomy to perform its
functions independently.
The Commission consists of a Chairman and Members. The Chairman is
appointed by the President of Islamic republic of Pakistan, in his discretion,
under Article 242 (IA) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.
The members are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
of Pakistan. The Commission is assisted by the Secretary who provides a link
among the Commission, its Secretariat and the Government Agencies.
The term of the office of members is as follow:
1) A Member of the Commission shall hold office for a fixed term from the date
on which he enters upon office and shall not be eligible for re-appointment.
2) A Member may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the
The Commission may work without the interference of the Government or any
other pressure, as Member of the Commission cannot be removed from his
office without the advice of the Supreme Judicial Council of Pakistan, which
consists of ;
i) Chief Justice Of Pakistan
ii) Two next most senior Judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
iii) Two senior most Chief Justice of High court, (Section 6 of FPSC Ordinance,
1977 & article 209 of the Constitution).
In view of above protection a Member of the Commission can, therefore, work
without any pressure.
The Commission consists of a Chairman and the Members. The Chairman is
appointed by the President of Islamic republic of Pakistan, in his discretion,
under Article 242 (IA) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.
The members are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
of Pakistan. The Commission is assisted by the Secretary who provides a link
among the Commission, its Secretariat and the Government Agencies.