Pablo Iglesias Simón
Pablo Iglesias Simón is a Spanish
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

 theatre director, playwright
A playwright, also called a dramatist, is a person who writes plays.The term is not a variant spelling of "playwrite", but something quite distinct: the word wright is an archaic English term for a craftsman or builder...

, researcher
A researcher is somebody who performs research, the search for knowledge or in general any systematic investigation to establish facts. Researchers can work in academic, industrial, government, or private institutions.-Examples of research institutions:...

, sound designer, and professor
A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank...



Iglesias has a degree in Stage Directing by RESAD and a PhD in Media by Universidad Complutense of Madrid.

In the theatrical field he has worked as theatre director, sound designer and playwright
A playwright, also called a dramatist, is a person who writes plays.The term is not a variant spelling of "playwrite", but something quite distinct: the word wright is an archaic English term for a craftsman or builder...

. He started staging plays of contemporary authors, such as Heiner Müller
Heiner Müller
Heiner Müller was a German dramatist, poet, writer, essayist and theatre director. Described as "the theatre's greatest living poet" since Samuel Beckett, Müller is arguably the most important German dramatist of the 20th century after Bertolt Brecht...

 or Sarah Kane
Sarah Kane
Sarah Kane was an English playwright. Her plays deal with themes of redemptive love, sexual desire, pain, torture — both physical and psychological — and death. They are characterised by a poetic intensity, pared-down language, exploration of theatrical form and, in her earlier work, the use of...

, but since 2002 he has been staging his own plays. In November 2009 it was the opening night of his last play “El lado oeste del Golden Gate” (“The West Side of the Golden Gate”) for whose staging he was awarded with the “José Luis Alonso” Award for the Best Young Director 2010. He has designed the sound of more than ten shows working for both public and private companies. He has published the plays “11-N”, “Sin móvil aparente” (“For no Apparent Reason”), finalist of the IIIth “Teatro Exprés” Award 2002, “Alicia frente al espejo” (“Alice Facing the Mirror”), “Tu imagen sola” (“Your Lonely Picture”), written in collaboration with Borja Ortiz de Gondra and winner of the XIXth “Carlos Arniches-Ciudad de Alicante” Award 2003, and “El lado oeste del Golden Gate” (“The West Side of the Golden Gate”), finalist of the XXXIIIth Born Award 2008.

He has taught film directing at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and, nowadays, he is professor of stage directing at RESAD where he had taught the subjects Stage Directing Practice, History of Theatre and Sound for the Theatre.

He is now developing a research in theatre and cinema that has led him to give conferences in seminars in Spain, France and Chile, and to publish more than twenty articles in specialised magazines of Spain and Brazil. He has written two books, “Postproducción digital de sonido por ordenador”, republished in Mexico with the title “Postproducción digital de sonido por computadora”, and “De las tablas al celuloide” (“From the Stage to the Celluloid”), winner of the "Leandro Fernández de Moratín" Award for Theatrical Studies 2008. He has also taken part in the collective books “Análisis de la dramaturgia” and “Cinema i teatre: influències i contagis”.

Published plays

  • “El lado oeste del Golden Gate”, ADE-Teatro. N. 125. April–June 2009. Pages. 104-123. English translation of Pablo Iglesias Simón’s The West Side Of The Golden Gate available
  • "El lado oeste del Golden Gate". Madrid: Asociación de Autores de Teatro, 2009. ISBN 978-84-96837-15-7.
  • “Alicia frente al espejo”, in VVAA. Maratón de Monólogos 2004. Madrid: Asociación de Autores de Teatro, 2004. Pages. 99-105. ISBN 84-88659-45-8.
  • “Tu imagen sola”, written in collaboration with Borja Ortiz de Gondra. Alicante: Ayuntamiento de Alicante and XII Muestra de Teatro Español de Autores Contemporáneos, 2004. ISBN 84-931131-8-2.
  • “11-N” in VVAA. Zona Cero. Ciudad Real: Instituto de la Juventud and Ñaque Editora, 2002. Pages. 24-55. ISBN 84-89987-44-0.
  • “Sin móvil aparente” in VVAA. “Teatro 8. El huevo, Susana Sánchez; I am not that I am, David Graus; La piedra, Paco Becerra; Sin móvil aparente, Pablo Iglesias”. Madrid: Asociación de Autores de Teatro, 2003. Pages. 37-44.

As theatre director

  • "José Luis Alonso" Award for the Best Young Theatre Director 2010 for his staging of “El lado oeste del Golden Gate” (“The West Side of the Golden Gate”).

As playwright

  • Finalist of the Born Award 2008 for the play “El lado oeste del Golden Gate” (“The West Side of the Golden Gate”).
  • Carlos Arniches – Ciudad de Alicante Award 2003 for the play “Tu imagen sola” (“Your lonely Image”), written in collaboration with Borja Ortiz de Gondra.
  • Finalist of the Teatro Expres Award 2002 for the play “Sin móvil aparente” (“For No Apparent Reason”)

As theatre researcher

  • "Leandro Fernández de Moratín" Award for Theatrical Studies 2008 for the book “De las tablas al celuloide” (“From the Stage to the Celluloid”).
  • PhD Extraordinary Award for the thesis “Trasvases discursivos del teatro de finales del siglo XIX y de principios del XX al Cine Primitivo y al Cine Clásico de Hollywood” (“Discursive transfers from the theatre of the late ninetieth and the early twentieth century to the Early Film and Classical Hollywood Cinema”).

External links

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