Pa-O National Organization
The Pa-O National Organization is a political organization of the Pa-O people in Burma, with the Pa-O National Army as its military wing.
They claim to represent the Karen as a speaker the Pa'o Karen language.
In 1990 the Pa-O National Army had about 500-600 men.

The PNO signed a cease-fire agreement with the junta
State Peace and Development Council
The State Peace and Development Council was the official name of the military regime of Burma , which seized power in 1988. On 30 March 2011, Senior General Than Shwe signed a decree to officially dissolve the Council....

 on April 11, 1991. The PNO controls Special Region-6 in southern Shan State
Shan State
Shan State is a state of Burma . Shan State borders China to the north, Laos to the east, and Thailand to the south, and five administrative divisions of Burma in the west. Largest of the 14 administrative divisions by land area, Shan State covers 155,800 km², almost a quarter of the total...

and has been granted a number of business concessions.

External links

  • A brief history of the Pa-O road to revolution
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