The term P2PTV refers to peer-to-peer software applications designed to redistribute video streams in real time on a P2P network; the distributed video streams are typically TV channels from all over the world but may also come from other sources...

 application developed by the European FP7 NAPA-WINE research consortium.

PULSE stands for Peer-to-Peer Unstructured Live Streaming Experiment and is a peer-to-peer
Peer-to-peer computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads among peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application...

 live streaming system designed to operate in scenarios where the bandwidth
Bandwidth (computing)
In computer networking and computer science, bandwidth, network bandwidth, data bandwidth, or digital bandwidth is a measure of available or consumed data communication resources expressed in bits/second or multiples of it .Note that in textbooks on wireless communications, modem data transmission,...

 resources of nodes can be highly heterogeneous and variable over time, as is the case for the Internet
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide...



The principles and basic algorithms of PULSE were proposed by Fabio Pianese.

The prototype was developed by Diego Perino

and released with a LGPL Software License.
The development has been taken over by the NAPA-WINE consortium in 2008, and version 0.2.2 can be downloaded via anonymous svn from the NAPA-WINE website.


In 2009, PULSE introduced P2PMyLive, where content providers can announce their streaming. Either the source or the participant can use the same graphical front-end to the pulse engine, which is available for Windows and Linux Ubuntu. Live streaming can be performed without any restriction.
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