PPG 15
PPG 15 is short for Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning and the Historic Environment, a document produced by the British Government to advise local planning authorities on the treatment of historic buildings and the wider historic environment within the planning process. It was introduced in November 1990 following public outcry after a number of high profile scandals such as the threatened destruction of the Rose Theatre
The Rose (theatre)
The Rose was an Elizabethan theatre. It was the fourth of the public theatres to be built, after The Theatre , the Curtain , and the theatre at Newington Butts The Rose was an Elizabethan theatre. It was the fourth of the public theatres to be built, after The Theatre (1576), the Curtain (1577),...

 in London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

 by developers. It replaced the earlier Circular 8/87 which was criticised for being ill-focused in both practical and geographical terms. Circulars 01/2001 and 09/2005, which discuss arrangements for handling heritage applications and that amend the existing PPG 15: Planning and the historic environment, were published September 1994.

A similar guideline known as PPG 16
PPG 16
Planning Policy Guidance 16: Archaeology and Planning commonly abbreviated as PPG 16, was a document produced by the British Government to advise local planning authorities on the treatment of archaeology within the planning process...

 existed for archaeology within the planning process.

As of 2010 both documents have been cancelled and superseded by PPS5 - Planning Policy Statement 5:Planning and the Historic Environment (2010).

See also

  • Planning Policy Guidance Notes
    Planning Policy Guidance Notes
    In the United Kingdom, Planning Policy Guidance Notes are statements of the Government's national policy and principles towards certain aspects of the town planning framework. They apply to England only...

  • Town and country planning in the United Kingdom
    Town and country planning in the United Kingdom
    Town and Country Planning is the land use planning system governments use to balance economic development and environmental quality. Each country of the United Kingdom has its own planning system that is responsible for town and country planning devolved to the Northern Ireland Assembly, the...

External links

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