Ornate Chorus Frog
The Ornate Chorus Frog Description: 1-1.5 inches; Color varies depending on locale, some are green, red, or brown. It typically has a defined but broken stripe or spots leading from the nose down the side. Has a pure white belly. Commonly has yellow spots located in front of hind legs.

Habitat: Most commonly found in the southern Coastal Plain. These chorus frogs are nocturnal and are rarely seen during mating season. They live in long leaf pine and pine savannas.

Ornate Chorus Frog (Pseudacris ornata) was named and classified by Holbrook, in 1836.

The name of the genus comes from the Greek pseudes (false) and akris (locust), probably a reference to the repeated rasping trill of most Chorus Frogs, which is similar to that of the insect. The specific name is from the Latin ornatus (decorated).
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