Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio
Order of Alfonso X the Wise (Spanish: Orden de Alfonso X el Sabio) is a Spanish civil order granted in recognition of activities in the fields of education, science, culture, higher education and research.
The Order was created on May 23, 1902 by Royal decree as the Order of Alfonso XII. In 1988 the order was reformed and given its current name. The 1988 reform’ s main innovation was to discontinue the previous award’s practice of distinguishing maile and female achievements, thereby eliminating any form of sexual discrimination.
The Order was created on May 23, 1902 by Royal decree as the Order of Alfonso XII. In 1988 the order was reformed and given its current name. The 1988 reform’ s main innovation was to discontinue the previous award’s practice of distinguishing maile and female achievements, thereby eliminating any form of sexual discrimination.