Orange kipper
An Orange kipper is a kipper
A kipper is a whole herring, a small, oily fish, that has been split from tail to head, gutted, salted or pickled, and cold smoked.In the United Kingdom, in Japan, and in some North American regions they are often eaten for breakfast...

 which has been dyed orange. Kipper is the term given to a whole fish, usually herring, split, gutted (but not boned) and salted before being hung over smouldering woodchips (usually oak) for up to 24 hours.


The dyeing of kippers was introduced as an economy measure in the First World War by avoiding the need for the long smoking processes. This allowed the kippers to be sold quickly, easily and for a substantially greater profit. Kippers were originally dyed using a coal tar dye called Brown FK
Brown FK
Brown FK, also called Kipper Brown, Chocolate Brown FK, and C.I. Food Brown 1, is a brown mixture of six synthetic azo dyes, with addition of sodium chloride, and/or sodium sulfate. It is very soluble in water. Its CAS number is...

 (the FK is an abbreviation of 'For Kippers'), Kipper Brown or Kipper Dye.

Modern times

Today kippers are usually brine dyed using a natual dye (annato) giving the fish a deeper orange/yellow colour. European Community legislation limits the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of Brown FK to 0.15 mg/kg.

Not all fish caught are suitable for the dyeing process with mature fish more readily sought because the density of their flesh which improves the take up of the dye.

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