Only the Good Spy Young
Only the Good Spy Young is a 2010 young-adult fiction novel by Ally Carter
Ally Carter
Ally Carter is an American author of young-adult fiction and adult-fiction novels.-Pen name:...
, and the sequel to Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover
Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover is a 2009 young-adult fiction novel written by Ally Carter. It is the sequel to Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy and the third book in the Gallagher Girls series. It was published on June 9, 2009. The cover was released on March 19, 2009...
and is the fourth book in the Gallagher Girls series. It was to be released on June 15, 2010, but the release date was pushed back to June 29. It was published June 29, 2010. The title was announced and the cover released on the December 25, 2009.
Ally Carter posted "mini excerpts" of the book on her website in the lead-up to the release.
The story starts with Cammie already in London with Bex and her parents. Cammie now has strict security surrounding her because the Circle of Cavan, a terrorist group, is after her. While at an ice skating rink,po she talks briefly with Zach, and he asks her if she has seen Joe Solomon. After Zach leaves, the lights go out and Cammie is grabbed by Mr. Solomon, who tells her to run. They end up on the Tower Bridge, where Bex's parents reveal that Mr. Solomon was the threat. She demands answers but he only makes her promise to "follow the pigeons" before jumping off the bridge and escaping. She is interrogated two hours later by an MI6 agent (who is later revealed to be Edward Townsend) and is released. While in a "safe house" with Bex's family, her Aunt Abby comes to visit. Cammie is appalled and upset that her mother didn't come to comfort her. After she and Bex eavesdrop on part of the conversation between the Baxters and Aunt Abby, they confront the adults. They learn that Joe Solomon has been a member of the Circle of Cavan since he was sixteen.The girls return to the Gallagher Academy, but things have changed. All of the secret passageways (except one leading to the kitchen) have been blocked. Security is much higher than before. When the girls reach their room, the MI6 agent from London (Townsend) was there. At dinner, Professor Buckingham announces that Agent Townsend would be the new CoveOps teacher.
They quickly figure out that Agent Townsend isn't interested in teaching at the school, but requested the job to help him find out more about Joe Solomon. They drugged him with an experiment Liz developed and interrogated him and found out that Mr. Solomon killed Cammie's father. Cammie's mother returned to the school shortly after. The roommates decided to try to find out what Mr. Solomon meant by saying "follow the pigeons". They find out there's an old carrier pigeon room and go there where they find a message telling Cammie to go to the gazebo. They decide to send Macey instead and discover Zach is the one that sent the message. He asks to see Cammie and she goes down to see him. He tells her to go the Sublevels and that there is a journal there that will help them understand everything. He also reveals that Mr. Solomon was the one who rigged the alarms in the sublevels so no one could go down.
While the girls try to figure out how to get down to the Sublevels, Cammie is having trouble trusting Zach, despite all they had been through. Agent Townsend takes them on a "field trip" to an amusement park and gives all the girls assignments. Bex is reluctant to leave Cammie, but Cammie argues that her mother wouldn't let her come if it wasn't safe. Cammie proceeds to tail an employee for her assignment. While following him into a building she finds a rugged, tired looking Joe Solomon. She yells at him and tells him he got her father killed, to which he wearily replies, "I know." Agents show up and Cammie discovers that it was a plot to capture Joe Solomon. She runs to a hill and finds Zach there. She asks him why Mr. Solomon would walk right into a trap, and he tells her that Mr. Solomon would do anything to keep her safe. He kissed her forehead and ran off.
Three weeks later, the girls are ready to get the journal. They work their way through Sublevel Two with some difficulty, but finally get to the place the book is supposed to be. While Liz is hoisted up to get the book, Cammie and the other roommates become aware that there is someone else trying to break in. They assume it is Agent Townsend (we later learn it was Rachel Morgan), and get out as soon as possible. The book was written in code but the girls find the key. It turns out that the journal belonged to Cammie's father, Matthew Morgan. The journal explains how Matthew Morgan and Joe Solomon tried to bring down the Circle of Cavan. Operative Morgan went missing on the way to Greece. Solomon blames himself because that was supposed to be his mission, and felt it should have been him.
A couple nights later Zach sneaks into Cammie's room and wakes her up. They take a walk and she asks him why the Circle would break Joe Solomon out of a CIA prison if he was working against them. Zach responds saying that "they weren't doing him a favor". Cammie demands more answers but Zach won't give her any. Her furious roommates show up and try to get answers from him, too. Cammie suggests a plan to go get the other notebook, the one that Joe Solomon wrote, from Blackthorne. Then, Cammie's mother shows up and says she will help them.
While in the car Zach tries to talk to Cammie, but she ignores him. They pull over the van, and we learn that Bex's parents and Aunt Abby are there to protect Cammie. From there, the girls and Zach walk to Blackthorne. After going through its various defenses, they learn Blackthorne's cover: it's a school for juvenile delinquents. Macey, Bex, and Liz go shut down the defenses and keep an eye on security, leaving Zach and Cammie alone to complete the mission. Zach asks Cammie to stay, wanting her to be safe, but she responds by kissing him and asks where they are going. "The Tombs," is his reply.
Zach and Cammie go out to the woods and find the entrance to "The Tombs". The make their way through a complicated maze and Zach reveals that Blackthorne is a school for assassins. They finally find the place where Joe Solomon's journal is hidden and retrieve it. As they are about to leave, they hear people coming and hide. They see several members of the Circle of Cavan, including the woman who tried to abduct Cammie from the roof in Boston last summer, and Joe Solomon. The explosives on the walls show that Mr. Solomon brought the members here to kill them and himself in the process. A man finds Cammie and Zach and brings them to the woman. We learn that she is Zach's mom, and Cammie is horrified. After a quick fight Zach manages to get a gun and take aim at the explosives. Cammie says "NO!" but cannot stop Zach, so she begins to run. She thought she had made it out but ran into Zach's mother, and we learn that she was a Gallagher Girl. She tries to convince Cammie to come to her by telling her that her father is still alive. Instead, Cammie jumps off the side of the cliff to get away, thinking that both Zach and Mr. Solomon are dead.
They find her and take her back to the school's infirmary. After having her explain what happened, Agent Townsend takes her to a man that is bandaged from head to toe. We know it is Mr. Solomon but according to Agent Townsend, Mr. Solomon is "dead". He hands her Mr. Solomon's journal and walks away. Cammie is later talking with her mom and we learn that Zach will stay the rest of the semester at the Gallagher Academy and that Mr. Solomon might not make it. Cammie gives Zach the journal before being ambushed by her distressed roommates. Cammie decides she will not be able to go to her grandparents' ranch this summer because it is too dangerous. One day Cammie and Zach talk and Zach asks her to run away with him. She kisses him and says she can't, to which he replies "I know". Soon after it is revealed that she is in fact going to run away alone, promising she will have answers when she gets back.
- Cameron Ann Morgan/Cammie/Chameleon: Cameron Morgan is a 17 year old girl who attends the Gallagher Academy. Her mother is the headmistress and her Aunt Abby is a spy legend at the CIA. In this book Cammie becomes more like Bex had been previously, trying to help her former teacher Joe Solomon. She has a complicated relationship with Zachary Goode because she has a hard time trusting him. She is becoming a very good spy, and at the end of the book, decides to run away to protect those whom she loves. Her Dad is supposedly KIA (Killed in Action) though Zach's mother as a coax to get Cammie says he is alive (and that she would take her to him). Whether he is really alive or not is unknown. Cammie is described as having dirty blonde hair and of having an average appearance.
- Rebecca Baxter/Bex/Duchess: Bex is the first non-American girl to attend the Gallagher Academy. Her parents work for MI6 and are very good at what they do. In this book she is less outgoing and carefree because she is concerned for her best friend's safety. She doesn't trust Zach, but knows that he has valuable information. She loves going on dangerous missions and exciting adventures, unless they put Cammie at risk. Bex is incredibly tough and is described as being exotically beautiful with cappucino coloured skin and black shiny hair.
- Macey McHenry/Peacock: Macey is the most recent of the roommates to attend the Gallagher Academy and is a decedent from Gillian Gallagher. She is the only person understands the lonliness Cammie feels, due to her being a famous politician's daughter. Last semester she was believed to be the target of the Circle of Cavan, but Cammie was actually the target the whole time. Her mother makes "semi-dangerous" cosmetics, and she shows she is a good spy when she runs away from school in Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover. Macey is described as being the 'boy-expert' and very loyal to her friends yet ice-cold to her enemies. Her appearance is that of a supermodel with bluntly cut ( at her shoulders) yet thick and glossy, black hair and glowing skin.
- Elizabeth Sutton/Liz/Bookworm: Liz is the smartest of the roommates and the only one who choose the research track of study (except Macey who isn't advanced enough yet). She worries for Cammie's safety but always goes for the rational plan, even if it puts them in danger. She always wants to believe that Zachary Goode is not a bad person and encourages Cammie to trust him. She is described as a pixie-ish waif with blonde curls.
- Zachary Goode/Zach: Zach was a student at the Blackthorne Institute for Boys but it is apparent he no longer attends. He now travels with Joe Solomon. He is always very mysterious and stealthy but in this book we no longer see the cocky, carefree boy we did before. He worries for Cammie's safety and later risks his life for her. He has a romantic relationship with Cammie and asks her to run away with him at the end of the book. He reveals that the Blackthorne Institute for Boys is not a school for spies but a school for assassins. It is also revealed that the woman who tried to abduct Cammie from Boston last summer is his mother.
- Joe Solomon/Mr. Solomon: He was a teacher at the Gallagher Academy but in this book he is on the run. We learn that he is a member of the Circle of Cavan but has been working with Cammie's father to bring it down for years. He would go anywhere or do anything to protect Cammie. He started writing a journal even before he joined the circle and age 16. He was recruited while attending Blackthorne.
- Rachel Morgan/Headmistress Morgan/Agent Morgan: Rachel is Cammie's mother and the Headmistress of the Gallagher Academy. She is an excellent spy. She loves her daughter and protects her as much as possible. She is a good friend of Joe Solomon and she lets Zach in the mansion to help them rescue Joe Solomon. She is described as incredibly beautiful with long brown hair that waves down her back.
- Edward Townsend/Agent Townsend: An MI6 agent who interrogates Cammie after the events at the Tower Bridge. He later becomes a teacher at the Gallagher Academy but only takes the job to learn more about Joe Solomon. He is not a very good teacher and wastes the CoveOps girls' time. He is, however, a very good agent. At the end, he pretends Joe Solomon is dead in order to help Mr. Solomon start a new life. With this act of kindness we can infer that Agent Townsend actually has a somewhat of a sympathetic heart, or he has great respect for Joe Solomon after reading the journal. He also gave Cammie back Joe's journal and said "A very interesting choice in books you got there.".
- Abigail Cameron/Aunt Abby/Agent Cameron: Abby is Cammie's aunt and a very good spy who worked with Cammie's father. At the end of Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover she kissed Joe Solomon, after returning to the school from being shot. She then turned to Rachel Morgan and said "Well, someone had to do it." She is usually full of spirit and life, but she is more serious after she had been shot and then learned the secret about Joe Solomon. She is usually described as being incredibly beautiful with similar characteristics to her sister, Rachel however in this book she is described as less outgoing and her hair has lost some of it's 'shine'.