Office of the Chief, Army Reserve
The Office of the Chief, Army Reserve (OCAR) is located in the Pentagon, Washington DC, and provides the Chief, Army Reserve (CAR) with a staff of functional advisors who develop and execute Army Reserve plans, policies and programs, plus administer Army Reserve personnel, operations and funding. The CAR is responsible for plans, policies and programs affecting all Army Reserve Soldiers, including those who report directly to the Army. OCAR is made up of specialized groups that advise and support the CAR on a wide variety of issues.
- Functional specialists within OCAR analyze issues, liaise with other government agencies and develop and implement new initiatives. Examples are the Force Programs Directorate and the Strategic Human Resources Group.
- Administrative offices within OCAR handle technical requirements and support; contracting, budgeting and financial management; and communications. Examples are Enterprise Services Activity and the Chief Financial Management Office.
- The Executive staff includes the leaders of the Army Reserve and their aides. This includes the CAR, the Deputy Chiefs of the Army Reserve and the Command Sergeant Major.