North East Assembly
North East Assembly was the regional assembly for the North East England
North East England
North East England is one of the nine official regions of England. It covers Northumberland, County Durham, Tyne and Wear, and Teesside . The only cities in the region are Durham, Newcastle upon Tyne and Sunderland...

 region of the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. It was abolished in March 2009 with its functions being transferred to One NorthEast
One NorthEast
One North East is the regional development agency for the North East England region.-History:It was established in April 1999. The North East receives a lot of government aid for regeneration....

, the Regional Development Agency
Regional Development Agency
In the United Kingdom, a regional development agency is a non-departmental public body established for the purpose of development, primarily economic, of one of England's Government Office regions. There is one RDA for each of the NUTS level 1 regions of England...

, and the Association of North East Councils
Association of North East Councils
The Association of North East Councils is a partnership body made up of representatives of local authorities in North East England. In April 2009 it assumed the role of the regional Local Authority Leaders’ Board following the abolition of the North East Assembly. -External links:**...

, the Local Authority Leaders’ Board
Local Authority Leaders’ Board
Local authority leaders' boards are voluntary associations of council leaders that have been established in England following the abolition of regional assemblies established in 1998 by the Regional Development Agencies Act 1998. The establishment of the boards was part of the UK Government's...

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