er, and the founder and leader of Imperium Europa
, a New Right
political party.
The stated goal of the movement is to unite all European natives under one flag, hence the name "Imperium Europa" (European Empire), leading to "a Europid bond forged through Spirituality
closely followed by Race, nurtured through High culture
, protected by High Politics
, enforced by the Elite
.". See the Cosmotheism of the late Dr.
"Our Prime Minister's vision is to build two golf courses. Of all things, he wants golf courses! Can you be more pathetic than that?"
"This is not a warning to the Prime Minister, this is a statement of fact. If Dr. Gonzi dares to alter the Opera House [referring to Edward Middleton Barry's Royal Opera House in Valletta] into a Parliament, it will be the last miserable act of his miserable government!"
"I can do 2 years standing on my head!" (when asked about the possibility of being sent to two years in prison for inciting racial hatred)
"In our vision of Imperium Europa, people will work less, till we come to ten hours a week. With today's technology we don't need to work more than ten hours a week"
"The enemy is not only at the gates. The enemy is manning the gates!"
"America, Britain, France! They are not land powers, they are sea powers! In fact, whenever the Americans attack on land, they get their ass kicked!"
"What we need is a unifying idea! An idea so strong, that it will draw like a magnet all the forces!"
"We are not the collectivist sheep of the left. We are: The Radical Racialist Right Revolutionary Reactionaries!"
"It is a cultural battle more than anything else."
"Today's worker is worse than a slave. He's chained. He's disposable. He's marketable."