Nobita and the Green Giant Legend DS
Doraemon: Nobita and the Green Giant Legend DS is a video game based on the film, Nobita and the Green Giant Legend. It was released on March 6, 2008 in Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

 and May 15, 2008 in Hong Kong.


The playable characters are Doraemon and Nobita. They have to travel and shoot enemies using the selective tools. There are three special characters used in this game, Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka. Special characters like Gian throw balls at enemies, Suneo directs on end places, and Shizuka cheers Doraemon and Nobita for regaining health. Pisuke and Miyoko can be unlocked as secret assistant characters by entering passwords from Doraemon Wii
Doraemon Wii
Doraemon Wii - Secret Tool King Tournament known in Japan as is a video game based on the manga and anime series Doraemon. It was released in Japan on December 6, 2007 for the Nintendo Wii game console.- Gameplay :...

. During the game, players also access minigames during certain parts of the story.


  • Big Light Race (ビッグライトでおいかけっこ)
  • Moderation Contest (けんじゅうおうコンテスト)
  • Goody! Kibo (すごいぞ!キー坊)
  • Help us! Kibo (かんばれ!キー坊)

Assistant Characters (unlock from passwords)

  • Pisuke (from Nobita's Dinosaur 2006)
  • Miyoko (from Nobita's New Great Adventure into the Underworld - The Seven Magic Users)

Secret passwords

Secret passwords for this game can be found in Doraemon Wii by completing all mini game highscores, completing Doraemon's secret tool collection, and use all 6 characters a costume. This can be found by going Options > Secrets in Doraemon Wii.
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