Noah Glass
After leaving Industrial Light and Magic, Glass worked on several projects with Marc Canter, founder of Macromind which later became Macromedia birthplace of Shockwave which later became Flash animation software.
Glass later developed an application which allowed a user to enter an audio blog entry from a remote cell phone location. His small start-up, known a s AudBlog, was eventually folded into a partnership with Evan Williams, of Blogger.com fame to create the company Odeo.
In 2006, while with Odeo, Glass helped to create and develop the seed idea for what would eventually become known as Twitter. Not only was Glass the prime motivating force leading to its eventual development, he is acknowledged as being responsible for coining the name "twttr", the earliest form of the company's name.
Noah E. Glass is not the same person as Noah Herbert Glass, the creator of a popular online food ordering platform.
Glass later developed an application which allowed a user to enter an audio blog entry from a remote cell phone location. His small start-up, known a s AudBlog, was eventually folded into a partnership with Evan Williams, of Blogger.com fame to create the company Odeo.
In 2006, while with Odeo, Glass helped to create and develop the seed idea for what would eventually become known as Twitter. Not only was Glass the prime motivating force leading to its eventual development, he is acknowledged as being responsible for coining the name "twttr", the earliest form of the company's name.
Noah E. Glass is not the same person as Noah Herbert Glass, the creator of a popular online food ordering platform.