Niumi National Park
Niumi National Park is a national park in The Gambia
Those species that make up the mangrove forests need special adaptations to be able to grown on an unstable soil that the tide threatens to wash away and to be able to survive the constant changes in water level and salinity. Common adaptations are seeds that germinate while the fruit is still attached to the mother plant (vivipary), leathery leaves to minimise evaporation, stilt or prop roots to give a better foothold and breathing roots and air channels to provide the underground parts with oxygen. Mangroves are extremely important in preventing erosion. They also have been utilised by certain nationally rare eg. sitatunga, African Clawless Otter and West African Manatee.
The Gambia
The Republic of The Gambia, commonly referred to as The Gambia, or Gambia , is a country in West Africa. Gambia is the smallest country on mainland Africa, surrounded by Senegal except for a short coastline on the Atlantic Ocean in the west....
General information
The Niumi National Park occupies the coastal strip of The Gambia north of the river. The park is approximately 4,940 ha (49.4 square km) in extent. Apart from being an important fish breeding ground, it constitutes one of the last untouched mangrove stands on the West African Coast north of the equator. The more terrestrial parts of the park contain an interesting cross section of threatened regional fauna and a wide diversity of habitat types. The international character of the Delta complex as one ecological entity with vital and incalculable environmental value to the region and its people, prompted The Gambia and Senegal to recognise the need to protect this area. The Gambia declared its portion of the Delta as a national park in 1986, comprising the southern part of the coastal wetlands and mangroves of the Saloum Delta. The park is contiguous with Senegal’s Delta du Saloum National Park and Biosphere Reserve.Areas of Interest
Niumi National Park encompasses the island of Jinack which is separated from the mainland by the narrow Niji Bolon. The island is mainly low-lying with extensive areas of coastal dune woodlands, salt water marsh dominated by Tamarisk and mangrove fringing the bolon. The mainland section of the park incorporates dry woodland and grassland savannah which is on a raised laterite plateau. This plateau is dissected by the Masarinko Bolon which is mangrove lined and backed by salt-pan to the escarpment edge. West African Manatee’s occur within the bolon and were previously hunted for meat. The African Clawless Otter (Aonyx Capensis) is also found in the Masarinko Bolon but as with the manatee it is shy and difficult to observe.Habitat Type - Mangroves
Mangroves can be defined as a tropical swamp forest growing in salt or brackish water. Mangroves are usually found in the tidal zone in sheltered places such as estuaries and coastal lagoons. In the Gambia mangroves border the river all the way up to Kaur - 150 km up river - which is about as far as the river is influenced by salt sea water. In the coastal area the mangroves are comparatively low, but upriver they usually consist of trees 15–20 km high.Those species that make up the mangrove forests need special adaptations to be able to grown on an unstable soil that the tide threatens to wash away and to be able to survive the constant changes in water level and salinity. Common adaptations are seeds that germinate while the fruit is still attached to the mother plant (vivipary), leathery leaves to minimise evaporation, stilt or prop roots to give a better foothold and breathing roots and air channels to provide the underground parts with oxygen. Mangroves are extremely important in preventing erosion. They also have been utilised by certain nationally rare eg. sitatunga, African Clawless Otter and West African Manatee.