Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword has received generally positive reviews. On the review aggregator Game Rankings
Game Rankings
GameRankings is a website that collects review scores from both offline and online sources to give an average rating. It indexes over 315,000 articles relating to more than 14,500 games.GameRankings is owned by CBS Interactive...

, the game received an average score of 85% based on 14 reviews. On Metacritic
Metacritic is a website that collates reviews of music albums, games, movies, TV shows and DVDs. For each product, a numerical score from each review is obtained and the total is averaged. An excerpt of each review is provided along with a hyperlink to the source. Three colour codes of Green,...

, the game received an average score of 84 out of 100, based on 17 reviews. Reviewers praised the good visuals and intuitive controls, but a common criticism was the short length, 6 to 7 hours, and lack of the difficulty compared to previous games in the Ninja Gaiden series. The 1Up Show reports that the lack of difficulty and length is absolved when the player unlocks Head Ninja difficulty, which is comparable to other games of the same series.

Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword was named by IGN
IGN is an entertainment website that focuses on video games, films, music and other media. IGN's main website comprises several specialty sites or "channels", each occupying a subdomain and covering a specific area of entertainment...

.com as the best Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS
The is a portable game console produced by Nintendo, first released on November 21, 2004. A distinctive feature of the system is the presence of two separate LCD screens, the lower of which is a touchscreen, encompassed within a clamshell design, similar to the Game Boy Advance SP...

 action game
Action game
Action game is a video game genre that emphasizes physical challenges, including hand–eye coordination and reaction-time. The genre includes diverse subgenres such as fighting games, shooter games, and platform games, which are widely considered the most important action games, though some...

 of 2008, also awarding it as having the best graphics technology for the Nintendo DS. It was also nominated for the best Nintendo DS game of 2008 award and was nominated for the award for the best original score on the Nintendo DS in 2008. It was also awarded Best Use of Control Scheme by GameSpot
GameSpot is a video gaming website that provides news, reviews, previews, downloads, and other information. The site was launched in May 1, 1996 by Pete Deemer, Vince Broady and Jon Epstein. It was purchased by ZDNet, a brand which was later purchased by CNET Networks. CBS Interactive, which...

in their 2008 Special Achievements video game awards, and nominated for Nintendo DS Game of the Year as well. N-Europe gave the game 9/10, citing "flawless presentation" and an excellent control scheme.

External links

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